Chapter 17: A Lost Hope

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Everyone gasped.

Rani: We must tell Queen Janna!

Everyone entered the Tree of Life and saw the old queen, who seemed to be in her slumber, but awoke as she heard the arrival of the 2 guards.

Janna: Hello everyone! What brings you here?

Rani: We bear dreadful news grandmother.

Janna realized that Kion isn't among the guards and started to worry.

Janna: What is it Rani?

Rani: Kion has been kidnapped!

Janna's face went from worry to pure shock and despair. Their most powerful guest who possessed the Roar of the Elders was missing.

Janna: By whom?

Bunga: Scar and his minions.

Ono: They came during the night and attacked various places of the Tree of Life. The Night Pride had to split up and go different ways, thus Scar was able to sneak in and kidnap Kion. Furthermore, we have no idea of his current whereabouts!

Janna: We must find him as soon as possible!

Fuli: Your majesty, Anga already scoured the entire kingdom, but didn't spot Kion, let alone any signs or traces of him.

Janna: We must send out a search party immediately! He is our only hope or defeating Scar!

Rani: Is it true grandmother?

Janna: Yes Rani. He is the only one who will be able to defeat Scar.

Surak: But mother, Scar has become practically invulnerable due to his powers. How can Kion defeat him?

Janna: We must find out how Scar got his powers, then form a plan on how to take him down. But first we must find Kion.

The queen's voice trailed off and she took a brief moment to think.

Janna: Rani, send out a search party to find Kion, but at the same time, secure the boundaries of the tree. Choose the search party wisely but leave an adequate number of guardians within the borders.

Rani: Yes grandmother.

Janna: Now hurry! Without Kion, the Tree of Life's fate will be doomed, and our only hope is gone.

The Night Pride and Lion Guard exited the Tree of Life and began to discuss their plans for the search.

Bunga: So how are we going to search all the lands quickly? Kion could be anywhere at this time!

Beshte: We just need to have hope Little B.

Rani: Who will join the search party?

Fuli: I think Bunga, Anga, and Ono should go. Just the three of them. Then Beshte and I stay behind to help defend the tree.

Beshte: I agree.

Rani: That's a good plan. Because Anga has great eyesight, Ono's intelligence can comprehend the situation, and Bunga can provide any physical assistance.

Nirmala: Do you three accept?

Bunga: Zuka Zama!

Ono: Affirmative.

Anga: Yep!

Rani: That's great! However, we must find Kion as quickly as possible. Who knows what Scar has planned and we need to be prepared and discover his secret behind his power.

Ono: Affirmative!

Rani: And try to eavesdrop on Scar without being seen. Try to get some information on his powers. We need to know this info as quickly as possible.

Bunga: You can count on his Rani! Let's go! Zuka Zama!

Anga rolled her eyes as her and Ono cautiously followed Bunga to the pass.

Fuli: That doesn't mean that we're off of day patrol. Come on Beshte!

Rani: Fuli you only have two members. How are you going to manage if something occurs?

Fuli thought for a while until she got an idea.

Fuli: Ullu could serve as a makeshift member until the search party returns! She can still keep a vigilant eye on the Tree of Life's territory during our patrol.

Nirmala: Great idea Fuli!

Rani: It is agreed. Night Pride let's go rest.

The Lion Guard (whoever was left of them) started on their day patrol while the Night Pride went to rest for the day. The search party was off to hopefully find Kion and return with him just in time to defeat Scar.

Somewhere else.....

Kion woke up in dark place. He couldn't see anything and he started to panic.

Kion: Where am I?

Kion rubbed his head with his paw and tried to stand up, but he was dazed and weak so he immediately collapsed.

Kion's memory was vague but he remembered being ambushed my Scar, Cheka, and Uovu, but then blacking out.

Kion then heard the faint sound of movement outside his prison. He saw a shimmer of light when a huge obstacle was moved aside from his view. Kion then saw that he was being kept in a cave that was being blocked by a gigantic boulder.

The silhouette of a lion stepped into the light and Kion quickly identified the lion as Scar.

Kion quickly growled and tried to rise up but quickly fell down again due to his lack of strenght and his injuries.

Scar laughed evilly and maniacally at his grandnephew.

Scar: How pathetic Kion! You didn't even put up much of a fight!

Kion: Just try me Scar! I can take you!

Kion tried to stand once more but failed.

Scar: Kion, you have so little energy right now, you couldn't even attack me if you tried!

Kion: I will defeat you Scar! You will never get the Tree of Life!

Scar: Oh Kion I already have! Without you, the Tree of Life is defenseless. You are the only one that has the power that can potentially defeat me, but that power is long gone. You will never defeat me, I will prove it.

Kion's vision went blank and for a moment he was starting at nothing, but then he was seeing a depiction of the Tree of Life erupting in flames. The massive inferno engulfed the Tree of Life as it burned to a pulp. Kion saw his friends and the Night Pride helplessly surrounded by Scar's minions. Some were lying on the ground either unconscious or dead and the only remaining ones were Rani, Fuli, and Bunga. Then the vision receded and Kion saw Scar in front of him once more.

Kion was speechless and started to doubt himself.

Do I really know my destiny? Can I defeat Scar? Can I protect my friends and the tree? Can I see my family again?

Scar: Ha! You see now Kion! You failed in your mission! I have already won!

Kion growled at him.

Scar: Oh don't worry too much Kion! I have much in store for you.

Scar laughed maniacally.

Scar: The Tree of Life will be mine!

Sorry everyone about the wait. I had a limited amount of time to write this chapter over the past couple of days. It's been pretty hectic. Anyways, with my school coming up and my standardized testing and all, I won't have as much time to write.

So, from here on out, I will be posting chapters every few days instead of daily due to my schedule.

Happy New Year! Until next chapter! 

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