Chapter 1

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San was sitting alone at a two-person table, next to the wall at the back of the classroom as he do in every class. He is currently in a history class, not paying much attention because he isn't a big fan of the subject. He had started his senior year a month ago already.

 He had started his senior year a month ago already

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- San, the said boy. Well, he looks pretty depressed now but in reality he's seriously cute, you'll see -

The reason no one is sitting next to him in class is that he didn't end up in the same class as his group of friends. And it was getting him down. When he entered high school, he formed a strong friendship with Yunho, Jongho and Seonghwa. The following year, in the junior year, their small group also became close to Hongjoong, Yeosang and Mingi.

San misses the time when all his friends were in the same class as him. Why do he have to be alone this year? Yunho, Jongho, Yeosang and Mingi were lucky to be in the same class. Even Hongjoong and Seonghwa ended up together.

So our little loner isn't really a loner, he likes being surrounded but he doesn't feel like getting close to the people in his class. It's not that he don't like them, he is just too frustrated with the situation to reach out to others. Moreover, he can see that he's the only one who don't know anyone and he don't want to intrude into an already tight-knit group.

The bell rang and students were getting ready to leave when the teacher made a quick announcement.

Teacher: Next week, a new student will join your class. I count on you to welcome him properly.

S - "Harsh, must be tough to join after the school started. I wonder if he'll be nice."

With these thoughts, San joined his friends outside in a small garden located between the building and the gate. Yeah, their high school is pretty cool. San had finished his day but his friends still have an hour of class so he was going to spend the 15-minute break with them before going home.

S: Uh, Hongjoong and Seonghwa ain't here?

JH: Nah, their teacher's probably talking too much, poor them.

YH: Didn't you get too bored during your history class?

S: Yeah, it was horrible. I can't take it anymore, save me!!

YH: That's cause I'm not here anymore to pass the time by playing stupid games with you, it's too sad...

S: Oh, by the way, the teacher said there'd be a new student in our class next week.

M: Oh, come on, you guys have to become friends! You'll be less bored in class.

S: Oh yeah, and what if he's dumb? What do I do then?

M: Well, then you'll form a duo of dumb people.

The boys burst into laughter while San jumped on Mingi to hit him. Kindly, of course, he's not a brute after all.

Conclusion of Chapter 1: San is not a brute.


Hi everyone! I'm happy to see again those who read Our Time Will Come (my first ff in english), nice to meet the ones i don't know yet :)

Hope you'll enjoy this new fanfiction, happy reading!!

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