Chapter 20

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Mingi 🦒
What, haven't you noticed how he looks at you?

San 🏔️
Well... no... 😶

Don't panic San, let yourself be carried away by the atmosphere, get closer to him gradually and do things as they come, you don't need to rush

Wow Hongjoong, you're really the voice of reason...

WY: Eh oh San-ah, can you put your phone down for a bit? I'm right here, just a reminder - he said pretending to be offended.

S: Oh sorry, I forgot you needed as much attention as a child - he teased to which Wooyoung responded by pouncing on him to tickle him.

S: AAAAH stop I hate tickling!!! - he cried, laughing despite himself.

He finally managed to grab Wooyoung's wrists, then froze when he realized the position they were in. Wooyoung was straddling San's hips, their faces only about thirty centimeters apart, facing each other. San wanted to kiss him.

WY: Why are you looking at me like that?

S: Because you're handsome, you little brat.

Wooyoung widened his eyes, surprised by San's remark. He couldn't find what to say.

S: Come on, get off, you're starting to excite me by pressing on my hips like that - he said grabbing Wooyoung by the waist to make him move.

Wooyoung almost choked on hearing San's words.

WY: Whaaat, what's gotten into you? You're quite bold tonight - he said laughing, half embarrassed.

WY: I might start thinking you have a crush on me - he added mischievously.

S: And you wouldn't be wrong... - he whispered with a sly smile.

WY: What did you say?? I wouldn't be wrong??

San burst into laughter.

S: You would've liked me to say that, huh? - he joked.

WY: Come on, tell me what you said!!

S: Shall we watch a movie or play video games?

WY: Hey! Don't change the subject!

San why aren't you responding anymore??

Are you guys kissing or what?

San 🏔️
Lmaaao no, sorry, Wooyoung just needed attention

WY: Why would we be kissing? - he said peering over San's shoulder.

Surprised, San jumped and accidentally hit Wooyoung's chin.

WY: AAH! You broke my chin!!

S: Oh damn, sorry! You scared me idiot!!

S: Does it hurt? - he asked seeing Wooyoung pout.

WY: Yes. Kiss it better.

S: Are you serious? Are you in kindergarten or something? - he laughed.

Seeing Wooyoung continue to pout, San reluctantly gave him a kiss on the chin. Wooyoung immediately smiled. A silly smile.

S: Such a child - he said amused.

Conclusion of Chapter 20: San hates being tickled.

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