Chapter 19

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WY: Hey San, do you like dancing?

S: Yeah, I enjoy learning choreography from BTS.

WY: Oh, that's exactly why I was asking! How about we try to learn one?

S: Oh god yes!

They spent the rest of the afternoon dancing to "Fake Love." In just a few hours, they had already managed to learn a good portion of the choreography. It must be said that these two are resourceful.

San was clearly having the best weekend of his life (Wooyoung too, by the way). He felt important in Wooyoung's eyes and nothing made him happier.

WY: What should we cook tonight?

S: Hmm... You know what I love to eat?

WY: Apart from me?

S: Yes, aside from you.

San was used to playfully biting Wooyoung. In fact, Wooyoung also loved biting San and they had already laughed about it. That's why their discussion was entirely natural. And yes, it's weird to bite people, but I remind you that one is a wolf and the other is a cat...

WY: Mh no, I don't know.

S: Rice salad!

WY: Oh yeah, that's so good!

San showed Wooyoung how he liked to make his rice salad. He emphasized his recipe which he deemed "perfect." And indeed, Wooyoung loved San's rice salad. They ate it in front of the TV, tired from their dance session. Then, San's phone started vibrating.

Hey guys, wanna meet up tomorrow?

Mingi 🦒

Sounds great! Where we going?


San 🏔️
Oh yeah!! I ask Wooyoung, he's with me

S: Hey Woo, the guys want to go to karaoke tomorrow.

WY: Oh, that's great! I'll get to hear you sing!

S: Don't say that, you'll put pressure on me!

Mingi 🦒
Oh where r you guys? You didn't even invite us, you're doing your little couple things pffpf

San 🏔️
😂😂 He's spending the weekend at my place

Oh that's awesome!! You have a crush on him don't u? Do you think he's crushing on you too?

San 🏔️
It's more than a crush now...

San 🏔️
I feel like he likes me but i don't wanna get ahead of myself...

Yaaaaay our Sannie is experiencing his first love story!!! 💞💞

San 🏔️

Yeo 🤓
WAAAY! SAN! Take it to the next level!!

San 🏔️
What's the next level..? 😳😳

Yeo 🤓
Declare your feelings!!

Mingi 🦒
No need for a declaration, just kiss him already!! It's obvious from 100km away that he's into you!

San 🏔️
Aaaaaah you guys are crazy!! I'd never dare!! 😱

San 🏔️
And what do you mean by "it's obvious from 100km away that he's into me"??

Mingi 🦒
What, haven't you noticed how he looks at you?

San 🏔️
Well... no... 😶

Conclusion of Chapter 19: San hasn't noticed how Wooyoung looks at him.

Mysterious Little Wolf ~ 𝒲𝑜𝑜𝓈𝒶𝓃Where stories live. Discover now