Chapter 11

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Flashback Part 2, Wooyoung POV.


Wooyoung and San were in their English class. It was their last class before they were free to enjoy their weekend.

Teacher: I'm going to give you an assignment due on Wednesday. Don't worry, it won't take too much of your time and it's to be done in pairs. You can leave once you've agreed on your partner.

Wooyoung and San exchanged a timid glance.

S: We do it together?

WY: Yeah, why not.

S: You give me your number? That way we can work on it over the weekend through messages.

WY: Not a bad idea, give me your phone - he replied extending his hand to San.

San handed him his phone and Wooyoung created a new contact with his number.

WY - "What should I put as the name? 'Wooyoung'? Nah, that's not funny, should be something that surprises him."

WY - "Mmmh, 'Woo 😈,' that's not bad. I feel like a lil devil with him, poor guy. I should stop being so closed off, he's tryna be nice to me."

WY: There you go, send me a message whenever you want to start working on it.

S: Sounds good, thanks!

Saturday, 3:36 pm.

The two boys had agreed on the assignment, and they continued to chat through messages.

San 🐱
A cat face??

Woo 😈
Yeah you look alike! 😁

Wooyoung heard his brother calling him from the living room.

KM: Wooyoung!! You said you'd help me with my homework!!

WY: I'm coming, Kyungmin!

Woo 😈
Alright, gotta go now! Good day San 🐱

San 🐱
Okay, gd Woo 😈 :)

Wooyoung joined his brother who was sitting at the dining table.

WY: Math, right?

KM: Yeah, it's too hard...

Wooyoung read his little brother's math lesson to explain it more clearly to him. He then let him do his exercises before correcting them. While waiting for Kyungmin to finish, he went on Instagram and searched for San's profile.

WY - "Oh, this is it I guess."

Wooyoung scrolled through his few posts.

Wooyoung scrolled through his few posts

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WY - "Who, he seems to have quite a few friends, actually

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WY - "Who, he seems to have quite a few friends, actually. They went to New York together??"

KM: Is he your lover?

Wooyoung startled slightly.

WY: No, he's not my lover - he replied laughing.

KM: You know, it's okay to like a boy!

Wooyoung laughed, amused by his little brother's remark.

WY: Of course I know it's okay. Come on, show me this exercise little trickster!

End of flashback.

Conclusion of Chapter 11: It's okay to like a boy.

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