Chapter 21

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11:55 PM.

Wooyoung and San were nestled in bed, ready to sleep.

WY: Can I give you a hug to sleep, is it okay? It won't excite you, will it? - he teased his friend.

S: Wha, I can see it left an impression on you - he laughed.

WY: Gotta admit it was unexpected.

S: And if it excites me for real, would you still give me a hug?

WY: Uh... What kind of question is that...?

S: Come on I was just kidding, it's awkward if you react like that dumbass!

Wooyoung smiled and embraced San.

WY: Yes, I'd still give you a hug. Otherwise I won't be able to sleep. And stop calling me a dumbass! - he complained giving a playful tap on San's head.

S: Oh okay, I'm your teddy bear it seems. And it's not my fault if you're one, I just have to remind you of that.

WY: San?

S: Wooyoung?

WY: I love you so much.

S: ...

San felt his heart skip a beat.

S: I love you so much too - he replied with a smile.

With these sweet words, the boys fell asleep, smiles on their faces and hearts beating.

Sunday, 3:00 PM.

San and Wooyoung waited in front of the karaoke place, they were the first to arrive.

WY: I need to warm up my voice not to embarrass myself.

He then started doing vocal exercises, using an opera-like voice to make his friend laugh.

S: Pfft! Aren't you embarrassing yourself now, maybe? - he laughed.

Wooyoung smiled, proud of himself.

S: You seem to sing quite well actually. Another hidden talent?

WY: Oh, thanks... I don't sing that well though... - he replied hiding his smile.

Once the whole group had arrived, the eight boys entered the room they had rented for the day. They started singing one song after another. Everyone was having a great afternoon. Wooyoung and San each loved the other's voice (is that very surprising...?)

YH: I'll be right back, gotta go to the bathroom

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YH: I'll be right back, gotta go to the bathroom.

S: Wait, me too.

The two boys went in search of the restroom.

YH: So, how's it going with Woo??

S: Hehehe. I'm having the best weekend of my life. And I think I'm really falling for him...

Yunho listened with a big smile, genuinely happy for his friend.

S: Some ambiguous things happened, I think there's a real chance he likes me back... - he said blushing, recalling certain scenes from the last two days.

YH: Honestly, I wouldn't give it three days before something happens between you two. I observed you earlier, okay that sounds weird like that, but I saw how you look at each other and how you circle around each other. You're even closer than before, it's so obvious.

San was glad that his friends were sure that he appealed to Wooyoung. It reassured him and gave him the courage to be more assertive.

Conclusion of Chapter 21: Yunho gotta go to the bathroom.

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