Chapter 7

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It was a little past 10 pm and San wasn't sleepy yet. As he was about to update his friends on the progress he had made with Wooyoung, he received a message from Yunho in their group conversation.

So Sannie, did you talk to Wooyoung?

Are you guys officially a couple?

Just kiddin

San 🏔️
Lmaooo yeah, we talked and he was super cool! He was nothing like in class!

Aaaaah finally!! Hope it lasts!

San 🏔️
Yeah, hope so! 🥺

Sunday, 10:18 am.

San woke up earlier than the previous day and had breakfast while watching a series. Suddenly, he found himself thinking about Wooyoung. Yes, again... He especially wanted to talk to him. Yes.... again.....

S - "Yesterday, when he went to bed, he said 'Till tomorrow.' Does that mean he expects us to talk? Or was it just because he's gonna send me his assignment..."

San hesitated to send him a message. In the end, he didn't find the courage to do it and preferred to wait for Wooyoung to send him his work. He didn't want to seem too eager while Wooyoung was finally opening up to him.

San spent a normal Sunday, resting and secretly waiting for his 'new friend' to send him a message. The wait was long but finally, at 7 pm, he received the message he'd been so much waiting for.

Woo 😈
📎 1 Attachment
Hi San, here's my part, tell me if it's okay! 😅

San flashed a big smile before starting to read the text Wooyoung had written.

San 🐱
Hey! I just read it and it's perfect, you're not bad at all!

Woo 😈
Oh you think so?? I don't have great grades tho, i admit i really gave it my all not to disappoint you 😓 Your text put some pressure on me yesterday 😂

S - "He's too cute. Really too cute. I miss his little face. Especially his smile."


S - "Wait, I'm crazy or what!?"

San 🐱
Dw i'm sure we nailed it, if we don't get a good grade on this i'll shave my hair!

Woo 😈
Oh nooo, your hair looks good! 😂

S - "Wait, SERIOUSLY! Is he trying to kill me or what?? What do I reply now?!"

San 🐱
And you haven't even touched it yet 😏

S - "Why did I say that..."

Woo 😈
😂😂 It's obvious it's soft 😏

San 🐱
Lmaao our conversation has derailed a bit don't ya think?

Woo 😈
True that lmaoo Well, gotta go eat now, see you tomorrow!

San 🐱
Kay, see you tomorrow :))

Conclusion of Chapter 7: Seonghwa enjoys kidding.

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