Chapter 15

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S: What... HUH? - he exclaimed sitting up suddenly.

WY: It's 3:42 PM, we missed the math class but we still have time for the Korean class!!

S: Whaaaa, damn it... Let's just skip it?

Wooyoung gave San a surprised look.

WY: Are you serious?

S: Well yeah, if we're gonna skip one class, why not skip two!

WY: That makes no sense... but okay. You convinced me.

S: You're easily convinced - he laughed.

WY: So, what now?

S: Mhhh... May I see your room?

WY: Let's go.

San followed Wooyoung to his room. He was amazed when he entered. The walls were covered with drawings.

S: Whaaaa waaait, Wooyoung... you're a freaking artist!

The concerned one sat on his bed, thanking his friend. San approached one of the drawings.

 San approached one of the drawings

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S: Do you like BTS??

WY: Yeah I love them!! You too??

S: Yeah, crazy about them!

S: Don't you have a sketchbook I can look at?? - he asked all excited.

WY: Yeah, I have plenty, should be one on my desk.

San started flipping through the sketchbook with a fascinated expression.

S - "He's insanely talented... This guy's definetely perfect!"

Suddenly, he stopped on a page, wide-eyed.

S: Hey wait!! This is the photo that's on my Insta!

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S: Hey wait!! This is the photo that's on my Insta!

When Wooyoung understood what it was about, he jumped off the bed and took the sketchbook from San's hands.

S: Wow I'm super handsome, you captured me so well!!

San paused for a moment seeing Wooyoung's all-red face. He then asked with a suspicious tone:

S: Why did you draw me?

WY: I didn't know what to draw so, you know, there you go... - he mumbled embarrassed.

S - "God damn it, he draws me in his free time... Is there a chance he likes me?? And me... how much do I like him??"

S: Do you know what you wanna do after high school?

WY: I'd like to study art, but I'm not sure what exactly.

S: Well, good choice! I'll be your first fan if you become an artist! Actually, you're already an artist and I'm a fan of what you do so... - he said cheerfully, making Wooyoung laugh.

WY: And you, do you know what you wanna do later?

S: No, not yet.

WY: Do you know what you could be? - he said with a specific idea in mind.

S: Oh oh, I can sense some nonsense coming...

WY: No, it's not nonsense! A model!

San widened his eyes and burst out laughing. He expected anything but that.

S: Are you serious?

WY: Of course I'm serious, stop laughing! You're tall, you have long slender legs, you're super handsome and you have a sense of fashion!

San stopped laughing and blushed.

S - "Super handsome.. ?"

S: It's right I do like fashion... - he mumbled embarrassed.

WY: Alright, I'll get my stuff ready and then we can go to your place?

S: Yeah!

Conclusion of Chapter 15: If you're gonna skip one class, why not skip two?

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