Chapter 14

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For real San, do you like him? 😍

San 🏔️

Don't panic my friend!!

San 🏔️
Well, i kind of like him a little bit... 🥺 I find him super cute all the time and i always want to talk to him, idk if that means i like him for real or not


Yeo 🤓
San... That's love

San 🏔️
Really..? I haven't taken time to think about it yet, stop rushing me like this!! 😫😫

Perfect timing, San received a message from Wooyoung.

Woo 😈
Home safe? 😊

San 🐱
Yeah thanks, how about you? :)

Woo 😈
Yep! What u up to?

San 🐱
In my bed texting with the guys, they said they loved the evening with you and that you're awesome!

Woo 😈
Cooool that makes me so happy!!

San 🐱
You can join us during breaks now :))

Woo 😈
With pleasure 😌

S - "It's true that... I might have a little crush on him... A tiny crush.."

The two boys talked for a big part of the night, discussing everything and nothing. They eventually fell asleep.


A month had passed and Wooyoung was now part of the group. He spent breaks with San and his friends, joined their outings and even started eating at the cafeteria to spend lunchtimes with them.

San and he became closer, getting to know each other better. They exchanged messages almost every night. San, being a tactile person, didn't hesitate to be affectionate with Wooyoung and he was pleased to see that Wooyoung was responsive to his touch. Wooyoung had become particularly tactile as well.

San was growing more attached to Wooyoung and his crush was gradually turning into genuine love.

Friday, 12 p.m.

WY: Finally lunchtime!!!

S: You're really a glutton! You had madeleines two minutes ago!

WY: You're not goinna blame me for being hungry! Come on, join the guys?

S: They don't have classes today, those lil buggers.

WY: Oh, the buggers. How about we go eat at my place then? My parents and brother won't be there. Plus, we have a 3-hour break.

S: Oh yeah, sounds great! I've never been to your place!

WY: Yeah, I've never been to yours either. Do you live far? - he asked as he left the room followed by San.

S: Nah, a 15-minute walk from the school. I moved into my own apartment because I had over an hour's commute from my parents' place.

WY: Seriously, you live alone?? You never told me! And don't you feel... well... lonely?

S: Mmh, at first yeah, a bit. But since we started talking through messages it's been much better!

WY: Oh that's cool hehe, I keep you company from afar!

S: Exactly! - he smiled.

S: Hey, how about you spending the weekend at my place? That way you'll keep me company in person! - he asked enthusiastically.

WY: Oh yeah sounds great! I'm sure it'll be awesome! - he replied just as excited.

After a 5-minute walk, they arrived at Wooyoung's place. He lived in a cozy little house.

S: Woaw, your place's really cool.

WY: Thanks. I'm too lazy to cook, how about we order something to eat?

S: Oh yeah, definitely.

The two boys ordered fried chicken and ate while watching a movie. When it was over, San lay down on the couch, resting his head on Wooyoung's thighs.

S: I ate too much. I'm falling asleep, it's horrible.

WY: Me too, we shouldn't have ordered so much!

They closed their eyes for a moment. Big mistake. Wooyoung placed his hand in San's (soft) hair and they fell asleep without realizing it.

Conclusion of Chapter 14: They ordered too much chicken.

Mysterious Little Wolf ~ 𝒲𝑜𝑜𝓈𝒶𝓃Where stories live. Discover now