Chapter 25

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San had stayed in front of his series, waiting for Wooyoung, but he wasn't focused on it at all. He kept replaying the message from the one who occupied his thoughts. "I love you." His heart was racing. He couldn't believe that Wooyoung had confessed his feelings to him. And even less that he would arrive any minute now.

Suddenly, San got up and rushed to the bathroom. He quickly styled his hair and applied deodorant. He checked that nothing was stuck between his teeth (no, nothing was stuck) and stared into his own eyes for a few moments through the mirror.

S - "Calm down... It's just Wooyoung..."

That's when he heard a knock on the door. He took a deep breath and went to open it.

WY: I'm back. Told you I couldn't wait to come back.

The two boys exchanged a smile.

S: I didn't think it would be so soon. But I'm glad, I was already bored without you!

WY: Mmmh, you smell good!

S: Thanks - he smiled, glad he had thought to visit the bathroom.

S: Come in.

WY: Are you sure you don't mind me coming like this, on a whim? - he asked as the two boys settled on the couch.

S: Nah don't worry, I'm used to your unpredictability now. And I had nothing planned for tonight, I was just watching a series.

WY: Ok, that's good then - he said relieved.

S: And why did you wanna come like this, "on a whim"?

WY: You ask for real? You told me you love me so I really wanted to see you - he announced as if it were obvious, causing San to blush.

S: Woo, how much do you love me? So I know what I'm getting into.

WY: Mmh... I love you to the point of thinking about you all the time and always looking forward to the moment we'll see each other again. When I don't find you cute, I find you handsome, and when I don't find you handsome, I find you sexy.

The more Wooyoung spoke, the more the two boys blushed and lowered their heads like shy children. And the more he spoke, the harder it was for San to restrain his smile.

WY: Every moment spent with you makes my day a hundred times more beautiful. I really feel like I belong when I'm with you.

San couldn't hold back anymore, he hugged Wooyoung with all his might as if to tell him how much he loved him too. Wooyoung buried his face in the crook of San's neck to hide the embarrassment he had felt in expressing his feelings so sincerely.

S: Well, you seem to love me as much as I love you - he murmured as he slowly released the pressure of his arms to offer Wooyoung a gentler hug.

WY: Do you think about me all the time too? - he asked timidly, pulling his head out of San's neck to look at him.

S: Yeah, all the time.

The two boys looked at each other for a few moments.

WY: Can I kiss you...?

S: You didn't ask the first time - he teased.

WY: Shut up - he replied embarrassed.

Wooyoung had barely finished speaking when San joined their mouths in a kiss that soon became passionate. With each touch of their tongues, they felt breathless with emotion. Without letting go of each other, San tilted Wooyoung backward before positioning himself on top of him. Wooyoung then slipped his hands under San's T-shirt, slowly caressing his hips and making their exchange more intense. Fired up by these caresses, San bit Wooyoung's lip who, in response, bit his neck.

The two boys spent almost half an hour kissing passionately before reluctantly letting go of each other.

S: Wow, I didn't hold back - he said wide-eyed, looking at Wooyoung's neck.

WY: What?? What's wrong??

S: I left you two nice marks... - he said with the guilty look of someone who doesn't feel guilty at all.

WY: Oh no, seriously! My mom will immediately know it's you, it's gonna be so cringe! Do they show a lot? Are they high?

S: Hey, you're the one who started biting my neck... - he said with a little pout. And um... They're quite visible. And they're pretty high...

WY: Damn, on top of that my mom wants to invite you to dinner this weekend!

S: Oh, really?? Is it to thank me for inviting you to my place?

WY: Yes, among other things. She's super happy that I've made a great friend.

S: "A great friend"... - he laughed, making Wooyoung laugh too.

S: Well, at least it will be an opportunity to tell her about us. Does she know that you like boys?

WY: No, she doesn't know. But she's pretty open-minded, I think she'll react the same as if I were dating a girl.

S: If you're uncomfortable with everyone seeing your hickies, I have concealer.

WY: We'll see about that tomorrow.

San started to smile.

WY: Why are you smiling like an weirdo?

S: That means we'll see each other this weekend - he said all happy which made Wooyoung melt.

S: And you're the weirdo.

WY: Gngngn.

S: You see.

WY: Fine, do you want me to tickle you?

S: No! Not that! I take back what I said, you're not a weirdo!

Wooyoung gave a satisfied smile, proud of having won.

S: Uh, by the way... Are you staying overnight?

WY: Uh... If you're okay with it yes, I'd like to...

S: Of course I'm okay with it. I want you to.

WY: Cool - he smiled. But I didn't bring my stuff...

S: What a burden... I'll lend you something to sleep in and we'll swing by your place tomorrow morning to get your school stuff.

The two boys then decided to go to bed as they didn't want to be tired for their classes the next day. They brushed their teeth (Wooyoung with his finger) and put on their pajamas.

They lay down on San's bed and, as usual, Wooyoung embraced his lover with his entire body.

S: You're really a little koala.

WY: And you need to stop comparing me to every existing animal! - he laughed.

S: Mh... You'll always be my mysterious little wolf.

Wooyoung smiled. The two boys kissed for a few moments before falling asleep in each other's arms, happier than ever.

Conclusion of Chapter 25: Wooyoung brushed his teeth with his finger.

Mysterious Little Wolf ~ 𝒲𝑜𝑜𝓈𝒶𝓃Where stories live. Discover now