Chapter 18

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S: Alright, maybe we should get up now...

WY: Yeah. Even though we're so comfy here...

S - "Stop it Wooyoung, I might actually start believing that you like me and I won't know what to do...."

S: I'm hungry, let's make something to eat?

In response, Wooyoung looked at San as if to say "Are you really asking that question?"

S: See, you're a wolf, always hungry.

Wooyoung let out an amused laugh and they finally got up and went to the kitchen, still in their sleepwears.

S: We have stuff to make burgers if you want.

WY: Whoaaa, stop flirting with me! Those words sound like poetry to my ears!

S: Dumbass - he laughed. Good thing I don't flirt with you like that.

WY: Oh, does that mean you flirt with me differently?

S: No, that's not what I said - he replied confidently. Come on, take the meat out of the fridge instead of talking nonsense.

WY: Yes chef!

The boys prepared and then devoured their delicious burgers.

S: That was so good, you really can cook!

WY: Aaah I'm flattered, thank you!

S: Hey, would you teach me how to draw?

Wooyoung looked at San with sparkling eyes, looking thrilled that his friend wanted them to share his passion.

WY: With pleasure - he replied with a big smile. What's your drawing level?

S: Uh... "not great" level.

WY: Okay, I'll give you something to draw and I'll help you.

S: Sounds cool!

San went to get some pens and paper and they settled at the living room table. They put on some music and started thinking about San's drawing.

S: What should I draw? You like drawing people, right?

WY: Said like that it sounds weird but yeah - he chuckled.

WY: You know what, draw us like I did in my history notes, it's pretty easy.

S: Oh yeah, chibi style! - he said, preparing to make the first strokes before realizing he had no idea where to start.

S: But wait... I can't draw, what do I do?

WY: Oh yeah, that's right... Well, wait, I'll do the drawing first and you'll copy, okay?

S: Yeah!

San watched Wooyoung draw with attention. He was captivated by his talent. Wooyoung finished the drawing in less than 10 minutes.

 Wooyoung finished the drawing in less than 10 minutes

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WY: Hop. There we go! Woo and San!

S: Whoa, Woosan! That's such a great duo name! And your drawing is so beautiful!!

WY: Come on, your turn!

San started his drawing. He had never been so diligent, he wanted Wooyoung to be proud of him. Wooyoung occasionally gave some advice to San but he thought he was already doing very well on his own.

 Wooyoung occasionally gave some advice to San but he thought he was already doing very well on his own

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S: Done!! Look, I did so well!!

WY: Yeah that's super great! But your face looks so funny!! - he said laughing.

S: Yeah, it's a bit distorted! But I did yours so well!!

WY: Hell yeaaaah it's super cute, I even prefer it to the one I made!

S: Seriously?? - he asked super proud of himself.

WY: Yeah, just look at it. It looks like a lil baby.

S: How about we exchange our drawings? I'll take yours and you take mine.

WY: Yeah good idea! I'm gonna hang it in my room!

S: Same here!

San went to hang Wooyoung's drawing above his desk while Wooyoung carefully stored San's drawing in his bag.

Conclusion of Chapter 18: Wooyoung enjoys drawing people.

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