Chapter 22

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09:37 PM.

Wooyoung and San had just returned to the apartment. After the karaoke, the group of friends decided to have dinner in town to end the day on a high note.

WY: The weekend went by so faaast! I don't wanna go back to classes, I wanna stay here with you all the time!!

S: I'm glad you enjoyed the weekend! - he smiled.

WY: And you, you liked it?

S: More than liked it, I loved it! I don't want it to end either!!

WY: Then we have to make the most of the time left! Play the piano for me again, please!

San was touched by his friend's request. They went to his room and San sat at his piano.

S: How about we sing along while I play?

Wooyoung hesitated a bit, he wasn't very comfortable singing alone with San but since San would sing with him, he accepted. They agreed on a song they both knew and started singing.

At first, both sang rather softly, feeling shy but gradually their nervousness faded away and they genuinely enjoyed singing together.

S: Whaaa that was beautiful!!

WY: Yeah we're so talented I swear!!

S: We should consider a career change.

WY: And the award for song of the year goes to... Woosan!! - he announced before mimicking the cheers of the audience, making his friend burst into laughter.

The two boys then sat on the bed to think about what they would do now that they had finished singing.

WY: I hope my brother don't miss me too much, we usually spend a lot of time together on weekends.

S: That's so cute, you seem really close!

WY: By the way, do you have any siblings?

S: Nah, I don't have any, gotta admit I envy you a bit.

WY: Ooh, Sannie... I can be like your brother if you want! - he said to test him.

San gave Wooyoung a look.

S - "Ouch...."

S: Brothers, are you serious?

WY: What's wrong with that? - he tried to dig deeper.

S: I see us more as soulmates. We're completely ourselves only in each other's presence. We complement each other and bring out the best in each other.

WY: Whoa... You're really a little poet - he said admirably.

S: Don't you think like me?

WY: Yes, absolutely. I'd even add that we form the most beautiful duo in the world.

S: Oh, no doubt bout that! Ah by the way, the photo I took at the restaurant earlier, can I post it on Insta?

WY: Let me see? I haven't even seen it yet.

WY: Let me see? I haven't even seen it yet

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WY: Oooh we're so cute, go ahead post it!

S: Hehe, cool!

WY: It's so funny, it looks like you're touching the tip of my nose.

San gave Wooyoung a look.

S: Wha, too funny... - he teased him.

That was all Wooyoung needed to jump on his friend who started laughing.

S: No, stop! You're tickling me!!

WY: Serves you right!! - he said giving some small finger pokes to San's sides.

He finally stopped to let San catch his breath. The latter, lying like a starfish on the bed, didn't move and pretended not to have survived the tickling.

WY: Hey, wake up. Hey there - he said, gently shaking his friend.

WY: Good riddance - he whispered loud enough for San to hear and to make him react.

WY: Oh I get it, you want me to give you mouth-to-mouth.

As Wooyoung started to lean over him, San cracked up and started laughing, pushing his friend away.

S: Aaaah!! Don't take advantage of the situation, it's assault!

WY: I'm trying to save your life and this is how you thank me... Maybe we're not soulmates after all... - he said, turning around pretending to be offended.

S: Nooo, I was kidding! Thank you for saving my life! Even if you're the one who killed me in the first place... - he said sitting up to give Wooyoung a back hug.

WY: Give me a kiss. - he demanded authoritatively as a pardon.

S: You really do like kisses, huh?

WY: I love them. But only yours.

San's cheeks blushed slightly. He couldn't get used to his friend's flirting.

S: It's an honor - he said before leaning his lips toward his friend's cheek.

Before San could reach his skin, Wooyoung grabbed him by the chin and turned toward him.

WY: Who told you about a cheek?

S: Huh? - he let out perplexed, his chin still held by Wooyoung's hand.

Slowly, Wooyoung pulled San closer to his mouth. Their lips touched tenderly before sensually engaging in a short kiss.

Conclusion of Chapter 22: Wooyoung hadn't told about a cheek.

Mysterious Little Wolf ~ 𝒲𝑜𝑜𝓈𝒶𝓃Where stories live. Discover now