Chapter 16

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The two boys arrived at San's place. They took off their shoes before San gave Wooyoung a quick tour of his apartment.

S: That's all, make yourself at home!

WY: Well, you must be comfortable in this apartment!

S: Yeah, it's not very big but it's super cool!

San glanced at the time on his phone. 5:02 PM.

S: Hey, we haven't had a snack, how about making some pancakes?

WY: Hell yeah! I'm starving!

S: I would've been surprised if you weren't - he said amused.

WY: You'll see, I'm really good at cooking - he said, playing the confident guy.

S: Wow stop it, you're gonna give me shivers. Hurry to show me that.

WY: Pffft, idiot - he laughed after San's comment.

The two boys prepared their pancakes in good spirits and sat on the couch to eat them while playing video games. The pancakes turned out really great.

10:10 PM.

After spending the late afternoon playing video games, they had dinner and watched a movie.

S: Do you wanna take your shower now or after me?

WY: Go ahead, I'll go after.

Wooyoung went to San's room while the latter took his shower. He took the opportunity to analyze his world in more detail. On the walls, there were posters and photos of San with his friends, photos that Wooyoung looked at attentively. He also saw an electric piano against the wall and wondered if San knew how to play it.

After about twenty minutes, San entered the room. He was wearing a slightly oversized black T-shirt and his wet hair fell over his nose. Wooyoung, sitting on the bed, stared at him looking a bit troubled, undoubtedly because he found San extremely... sexy.

S: Aren't you going to take your shower?

WY: Yeah, yeah...

WY: Hey, do you play the piano?

S: Yeah, I'm not bad. I especially like singing while playing some little tunes...

Wooyoung didn't say anything, he just stared at San with admiration, his mouth slightly open. His face seemed to say "Let me hear it!"

S: Forget it, I won't sing. But I can play something for you after you come back from your shower.

WY: Ok boss!! - he said leaving the room in a hurry.

S - "Too cute" - he thought smiling.

15 minutes passed. San played the piano while waiting for Wooyoung.

WY: Saaaan! - he shouted from the bathroom.

San went to the door behind which Wooyoung was.

S: What's up?

WY: I forgot my sleepwear in the room... Can you bring it to me please? It's in my bag, a white T-shirt and shorts.

S: Oh jeez, you dumbass - he said amused, remembering Wooyoung leaving the room in a hurry because he was eager to hear him play.

He made the round trip to his room and handed Wooyoung his things through the door. He couldn't help but imagine his crush half-naked just behind the door. He hurried back to his piano before thinking about it too much.

WY: All clean now, you can play the piano for me!

San too couldn't help but be moved by the sight of Wooyoung in shorts with still wet hair.

S: Quiet in the room, the concert is about to begin - he said seriously, making his friend laugh.

San started playing a few pieces. "I'm not bad", seriously? San had been way too modest, he played the piano wonderfully. Wooyoung remained silent next to him, mouth agape.

Conclusion of Chapter 16: San won't sing.

Mysterious Little Wolf ~ 𝒲𝑜𝑜𝓈𝒶𝓃Where stories live. Discover now