Chapter 23

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Slowly, Wooyoung pulled San closer to his mouth. Their lips touched tenderly before sensually engaging in a short kiss.

WY: It's good, you're forgiven - he said with a smirk.

San, in shock, said nothing. He just stared at Wooyoung with his mouth slightly open and his heart pounding.

WY: Close your mouth, you're gonna drool everywhere.

S: Uh... Mh...

WY: Are you ok, you'll get over it little cat? - he teased.

S: No, you killed me again, you're too mean.

WY: Shouldn't I have kissed you?

S: You always make me say things I didn't say.

Wooyoung smiled at his remark.

San couldn't believe what had just happened. He couldn't think straight anymore. Did it mean that Wooyoung loved him? Should he confess his feelings? Were they going to date? Too many questions for his foggy mind.

S - "I'll ask him later if he likes me... When we're going to sleep with the lights off, that way I'll be less nervous..."

Seeing that San was lost in thought because of what had just happened, Wooyoung chose to lighten the mood by changing the subject.

WY: I feel like watching a chill movie for our last evening.

S: Yeah, sounds good. We can watch it on my laptop so we can chill in bed.

The two boys put on their pajamas and brushed their teeth laughing as if nothing had happened. Then they lay down in bed and started the movie.

Although they didn't show it, Wooyoung and San were slightly stressed and preoccupied since their kiss. They both wanted to get closer to each other but neither dared to make the move. Finally, after about twenty minutes into the movie, San timidly took Wooyoung's hand and rested his head on his shoulder. In response, Wooyoung intertwined their fingers with a slight smile he tried to hide.

Thirty minutes later, as Wooyoung made a comment about the movie's plot, he realized that San had fallen asleep against him. He then put away the computer and set an alarm, trying not to wake up San who was sleeping facing him. Wooyoung couldn't help but admire his face. After almost a minute of observing the boy sleeping next to him, he turned off the light and settled against him, pressing his forehead against his.

WY: Good night, little cat - he whispered before joining San in the land of dreams.

Monday, 7:10 AM.

The alarm went off.

S: Mhhh... what time is it..?

WY: 7:10, we have to go to class - he tried to articulate.

San thought for a moment.

S: ... Did I fall asleep during the movie last night?

WY: Yeah, you didn't even last an hour you quitter - he laughed.

S - "Damn, I couldn't talk to him..."

WY: Come on, get up, we can't be late.

The two boys got ready and headed to school. At 8 AM, they were sitting at their desk waiting for the history class to begin.

S: We need to find something to do to survive the two hours of history - he said to Wooyoung.

WY: Seriously San, how do you get good grades when you don't pay attention in class??

S: Well, I study well before the exams...

WY: Ugh, little genius... If I don't listen in class, my grades are a disaster!

S: If you do something with me to pass the time, I'll help you study for your exams and you'll get good grades!

WY: Mhh... Then I'll give you things to draw and you draw them. I'll grade you afterward, so I can still listen a bit to the class.

S: Oh yeah, that's a good idea!

The class started and San began to draw under his neighbor's instructions. He got tired of this after half an hour and decided to take a nap.

Wooyoung and San behaved as usual, yet neither of them could get their kiss from the previous day out of their heads, feeling a strange tension around it. Both needed to talk about it but they didn't know when or how.

At noon, they had lunch with their group of friends as usual. San really wanted to tell them that he and Wooyoung had kissed. But it wasn't very wise to do it in front of the person involved, so he decided to announce it to them later that evening via message.

Finally, the day passed without San or Wooyoung finding the right moment to have that discussion. The two boys were in front of the school gate, each preparing to go in different directions to go home.

WY: Alright, see ya tomorrow San-ah. And thanks again for this weekend, it was so cool!

S: My pleasure, you can come back whenever you want, it keeps me company!

WY: Can't wait to come back then - he smiled waving to his friend, getting ready to leave.

San smiled back.

S: Bye, see you tomorrow!

Conclusion of Chapter 23: Wooyoung still makes San say things he didn't say.

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