Chapter 12

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San had finished getting ready and was about to join his friends at the bar. Before leaving, he sent them a message.

San 🏔️
Guys, i invited Wooyoung to hang out with us tonight and he agreed! Hope you don't mind

Jongho 🍎
Wow finally, we're gonna meet him!

Yeo 🤓
Oh yeaaah, the handsome guy!!

San 🏔️
Yeosang i swear, if you call him that in front of him, i'll kill you.

Yeo 🤓
Cmooon we can't even joke anymore

Hhhhm, I'm torn, should we expose you in front of him or should we advertise your virtues so you two end up together...?

San 🏔️
Why y'all want us to end up together!!

Yeo 🤓
Cause he's handsome. And hot.

Jongho 🍎
Uh... Yeosang, have you ever considered reevaluating your sexual orientation?

Yeo 🤓
No need for orientation to appreciate the beauties of this world ✨💫

What is he even talking about, save him...

San 🏔️
I think he has a girlfriend so don't bother anyway lmao

Oh crap, well, we'll ask him then 👀

San arrived at the bar and spotted his friends sitting on the terrace. Seonghwa, Mingi and Wooyoung were the only ones missing.

S: Hey guys! - he greeted cheerfully, to which the boys responded joyfully.

He sat next to Hongjoong and sent a message to Wooyoung.

San 🐱
Im here, we're on the terrace, saving a seat next to me for you :)

Woo 😈
Okay, i'll be there in 5 minutes! 😁

Mingi arrived shortly after, and finally, San saw Wooyoung strolling between the cafe chairs.

S: Wooyoung!!

WY: Hi everyone! - he said settling next to San.

YS: Wooyoung, the famous guy!

San had given Yeosang a look to dissuade him from calling him "the handsome guy."

JH: Finally we meet you, we've heard so much about you!

WY: Oh really?? - he said looking at San who lowered his head embarrassed.

WY: Hopefully, all good things - he added mischievously still staring at San.

JH: Well, supposedly, you're supposed to be distant but you're not, actually you're super cool. Supposedly.

M: Wow, what a nice summary, you really outdid yourself Jongho!

Wooyoung burst into laughter, prompting the boys to laugh along. San was happy, Wooyoung and his friends already seemed to get along well.

HJ: Ah, here comes Seonghwa! About time, why are you always late!?

SH: Sorrrry, I forgot to get off the bus... - he said embarrassed, making his friends laugh.

SH: So, you're the Wooyoung!? Nice to meet you!

S: Oh by the way, sorry guys! I didn't even introduce you!

San proceeded to mention the names of all his friends to Wooyoung.

WY: Well, that's a lot of names, I don't know how I'm gonna remember them all!

S: Yeah that's a lot, save room for history class.

This remark made Wooyoung laugh, he knew San didn't like history.

WY: By the way, how did you all meet?

YH: San, Seonghwa, Jongho and I became friends in sophomore year, then we met Hongjoong, Mingi and Yeosang in junior year, and poof, our friend groups merged!

WY: Nice, it's quite recent then! And you went to New York, right?? It was on San's Insta.

Wooyoung felt a surge of joy in San's friends.

S: Yeah, we all went there together this summer!!

YS: It was the best vacation of our lives!!!

Wooyoung had opened a floodgate. They all began sharing memories with stars in their eyes. He was happy with this evening and thought he had made the right decision to come. He found San's friends really cool.

Conclusion of Chapter 12: That's a lot of names.

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