Chapter 10

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Flashback, Wooyoung POV.


WY - "Why am I even here, seriously..."

Teacher: Here's is the new student I told you about. You can introduce yourself.

WY - "I hate introducing myself in front of everyone..."

WY: Uh, hello. My name is Jung Wooyoung - he said slightly intimidated. Nice to meet you.

Teacher: There's an empty seat next to San - he said pointing at him. You can sit there.

WY - "San... That's a pretty name."

Wooyoung went to sit in the designated spot.

S: Hey - he whispered to his new neighbor.

WY: Hey.

S: Um... Why do you join during the school year?

Wooyoung gave San a cold look.

WY - "Just cause we're sitting next to each other doesn't mean we gotta talk..."

WY: I moved with my parents cause they changed jobs.

S: Oh... It must be annoying to change schools...

WY - "Thanks for reminding me..."

WY: Yeah.

S: ...

WY - "He's not talking anymore... Shit, was I too cold? Did I upset him?"

WY: It's a pretty name.. San.

After two hours of class, the bell rang and students began packing up. Wooyoung went to sit in front of the next classroom and spent the break listening to music. When the teacher opened the door, he waited for everyone to enter to see where he could sit.

While entering, he noticed that San was sitting in the same place as in the previous class and the seat next to him was still vacant.

WY: Can I sit next to you again?

S: Yeah, gladly. I never have a neighbor so you can sit at my table for all the classes if you want - he replied with a smile to make Wooyoung feel at ease.

Wooyoung smiled in response.

WY - "Don't he have any friends or something?"

WY: And why do you never have a neighbor?

S: Ah... My friends aren't in my class this year... And I don't particularly feel like making new friendships. But I admit I'm starting to get a little bored alone.

WY - "Oh... He's a bit like me actually."

WY: I see.

The lunch break rang.

S: Um... Wooyoung? You wanna have lunch with my friends and me today?

WY - "Actually, have to admit he's pretty cute..."

WY: Oh that's kind, thanks, but I live nearby so I go home to eat - he replied a bit apologetically.

S: Ah okay, no problem! Enjoy your meal - he said with a smile even though he was slightly disappointed.

WY - "He smiles all the time. He looks like a cat."

WY: You too, see you later - he replied with a smile before leaving.

Conclusion of Chapter 10: Wooyoung learned that San has friends but they're not in his class.

Mysterious Little Wolf ~ 𝒲𝑜𝑜𝓈𝒶𝓃Where stories live. Discover now