Chapter 9

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The school week passed peacefully. Wooyoung and San continued to chat during some classes and breaks. They are getting a little closer gradually but their conversations remain superficial and San wants to learn more about Wooyoung's life. The problem is, they don't really have the opportunity for very serious discussions because the breaks are short and, in class, well, it's not really the best time to talk.

San would've liked Wooyoung to spend lunchtimes with him and his friends (who still hadn't met him). Unfortunately, he continued to go home for lunch. The way for them to have more serious discussions would be to talk through messages but they hadn't sent any since last weekend for the class project.


The weekend had just started and San already missed Wooyoung. He returned to his new friend's Instagram profile to admire his photos again.

S - "Now, are we close enough for me to follow his account?"

He quickly pressed the follow button before changing his mind. After about twenty minutes, he received a notification: Jung.WooY started following you. There, it's a good day. San then found the courage to send him a message.

San 🐱
Hey, how are you? :))

Woo 😈
Hey you 😊 Doing great and you?

San 🐱
Great too, what u up to today?

Woo 😈
I took my little brother to the park so now i'm sitting on a bench while he's playing with his friends, and u? 😁

S - "I knew he was his brother! Got to pretend I didn't know, now..."

San 🐱
Oh you have a little brother?? Lucky you, do you get along well? 😯

San 🐱
Haven't done anything special today but tonight im going out for a drink with my friends :)

Woo 😈
Yeah we get along really well, i love him sm! Oh, with your school friends?

San 🐱
Yeah, wanna come?

Woo 😈
Aaaaah but i'm shy 😱😱

San 🐱
Dont worry, they're really nice! And i'll be there 😁😁

Woo 😈
Mmmh okay but you won't leave me alone, right? 😖

San 🐱
Too cool!! No, i promise i won't leave you alone ☺️

San 🐱
We meet at 7pm, i'll send you the address later :)

Woo 😈

San 🐱
By the way, there's a question i'd like to ask you

Woo 😈
Oh you intrigue me, go ahead im listening

San 🐱
When you joined the class, initially, you were a bit cold and distant, right? I felt like you weren't really excited about talking to me 🥺

San 🐱
And then after all you completely changed when we started talking through messages so i don't really understand

Woo 😈
Oh... You're not wrong... 😅😅 Sorry for that, actually i was super depressed because of the move, i had great friends in my old town and i loved the life i had, got no desire to change schools or replace my friends, a bit like you actually so i was really reluctant to become buddies with you

Woo 😈
And then you kept trying to approach me, we had that assignment to do and i found you quite endearing... Thought it'd be silly to mope around all year when you were offering me your friendship ☺️

San 🐱
Oh woaw, i thought you were just weird but you actually just had the same problem as me 😂 I'm relieved to finally know the reason!

Woo 😈
Im really glad we're next to each other in class, San

San 🐱
Me too, can definitely say you've made my year :)

San 🐱
OH i didn't see the time, gotta get ready for tonight!! Also have to send you the address!

Woo 😈
Gotta get ready too, i have to make a good first impression on your friends! 😱

Woo 😈
See ya later little cat!

S - "Little cat... I'm dying..."

Conclusion of Chapter 9: San didn't see the time.


The next chapters will be flashbacks to have the story from Wooyoung's point of view and understand his character a bit better :)

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