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There it was, the two boys were officially a couple, much to the delight of their friends. They had spent the weekend at Wooyoung's, allowing San to meet his parents and younger brother. They didn't hide the fact that they were now dating and were happy to see that Wooyoung's family seemed thrilled and to appreciate San.

The rest of the school year went smoothly. The group of friends was surprised when, at the end of the year, Hongjoong and Seonghwa announced that they were dating too. Apparently, being in the same class brings people closer.

San often helped Wooyoung with his studies. Thanks to this, Wooyoung had seen his grades improve and all eight boys managed to pass their exams. They dressed nicely to attend the graduation ceremony. It was the last time they visited their high school before going their separate ways. Nevertheless, they promised to continue seeing each other as much as possible.

After the summer vacation, Wooyoung had joined an art school where he felt perfectly at home. San, on the other hand, took a gap year while trying to secure modeling contracts for clothing brands. Yeah, Wooyoung's idea had appealed to him a lot. And Wooyoung must've had a good eye because San seemed to be quite successful in that field.

Wooyoung spent all his time at San's place, it was almost as if he didn't live anywhere else. But without that, San would've felt super lonely now that he wasn't going to school anymore. They both were perfectly content in their relationship. Sure, they had occasional disagreements but it was always over trivial matters.

That didn't stop them from loving each other more than ever.

The end.

Here is the end of my second Woosan English fan fiction! I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. If you did and haven't read my first fan fiction, I invite you to check it out!
(Our Time Will Come)

A big thank you for reading this story, we'll meet again in some time for new fic!

Mysterious Little Wolf ~ 𝒲𝑜𝑜𝓈𝒶𝓃Where stories live. Discover now