Chapter 13

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HJ: Anyway, do you have a girlfriend Wooyoung? Or a boyfriend.

WY: Nope, I haven't been in a relationship since middle school!

Yeosang and Seonghwa exchanged a not-so-subtle look at San 👀 who shot them a dark look in return.

WY: And what about you guys? Anyone in a relationship?

M: Yeah, just Yeosang and me. My girlfriend is in our high school but not Yeosang's.

WY: Oh that's cool, must be nice to have your girlfriend in the same high school!

M: True that! But don't talk about it too much or Yeosang will get jealous - he teased poking fun at the latter.

YS: Yeah, well, who's going to move in with his girlfriend next year? - he replied mischievously, making Mingi pout.

The boys continued with various topics and time passed faster than expected. Initially planning for just a drink, they ended up ordering food and continued chatting until 9 p.m.

JH: Anyway guys, it's late! Gotta head home.

YH: Wow me too, time flew by!

HJ: Shall we go home together Seonghwa? So you won't forget to get off the bus.

SH: Okay - he laughed.

The group of friends paid and left the cafe.

M: Bye Wooyoung, it was great meeting you!

WY: Same, I had a blast! Thanks for inviting me!

The boys went their separate ways and only San and Wooyoung remained in front of the cafe.

S: So, weren't you supposed to be shy??

WY: Eh, it's not my fault your friends are too nice!!

San laughed and Wooyoung displayed a broad smile.

S: Thanks for coming, I really enjoyed it.

WY: Thank you too, it meant a lot to me.

The two boys couldn't stop exchanging big smiles.

WY: Well, see you on Monday!

S: Does that mean we won't text until then...? - he asked disappointed.

Wooyoung smiled, touched by his friend's remark.

WY: I'd be happy to exchange messages.

San regained his smile. Suddenly, he hugged Wooyoung, inviting him into a gentle embrace.

S: See you on Monday, little wolf - he whispered in his ear before heading home.

Wooyoung stood there for a moment, watching San walk away. What had just happened had... slightly unsettled him? San, on the other hand, had hurried away before Wooyoung could notice that his cheeks had flushed.

As soon as he got home, San sprawled on his bed. What a wonderful evening. He took out his phone and saw that he had received several messages.

It was so great tonight guys! 🔥

Yeah, Wooyoung is so cool! I understand why you didn't want to let him go, San!

San 🏔️
Isn't he?! Y'all seemed to get along well with him, i'm so happy!!

Yeo 🤓
He is...

San 🏔️
Even more handsome in person? 🙄🙄

Yeo 🤓
😂😂 How did u guess i was gonna say that?

San 🏔️
You're too predictable 😂😂

You stick to the same joke for too long Yeo, although i have to admit you're pretty funny sometimes... 🙄

Well, let's be honest, he's really good looking

San 🏔️
Okay that's enough, are y'all gonna drool over him or what? 😠

Oh... Is Mr. Jealous here? 👀


For real San, do you like him? 😍

Conclusion of Chapter 13: Wooyoung was supposed to be shy.

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