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Both Macaque and Wukong sat there thinking in complete silence for a good 10 to 30 minutes before Wukong piped up and said something.

"How about we go visit the brotherhood in Azures domain? We could invite DBK, too, and we can introduce them to Xiaotian."

Macaque thought on the idea and then realised it was perfect as it meant their brothers could meet their nephew, whilst they were going somewhere that's safe and protected so no harm would be able to come to the cub. He then nodded his head in agreement, and they made their plan.


When the sun began to set the monkeys, then lead Xiaotian back to the cave and said their goodbyes before returning back to their homes in the trees.

After saying his goodbyes, the cub opened a shadow portal and jumped in and ended up at the other side in the hut and doing a flip when he came out landing perfectly on his feet. He had inherited an ego from Wukong and a flare for the dramatic from Macaque, so he was a handful at the best of times.

When Xiaotian landed, Wukong turned to him, and with a hopeful smile, he gestured for him to come over to where him and Mango were sitting on the couch. Once the cub was between them on the couch, Macaque was about to speak up, but Wukong interrupted him, basically yelling.

"We're going on a trip!"

Xiaotian was happy but wasn't really able to express it as he was scrunching himself up into a ball and covering his ears, along with Macaque covering his and galring daggers at his mate, Wukong just looked guilty after seeing his cub, so he used his hand to stroke the cubs head gently whilst trying to comfort him. Macaque was more used to Wukongs yelling, and his ears were less sensitive than they were when he was younger, but it still took a minute, but after his had returned to normal he placed a hand on Xiaotians back and began to rub circles into it.

When the ringing in his ears had calmed down, Xiaotian looked up and saw the guilty look on his Baba's face, but was still slightly pouting as his ears still slightly hurt.

When he relaxed more, he leaned into his Dad and wrapped his tail around his leg, then he wondered what his Baba had actually been yelling about.

"Hey Baba, what were you saying when you yelled?"

Wukong was happy he wasn't too mad with him and whispered the answer so as not to make the same mistake again.

"I said we're going on a trip."

This would be Xiaotians' first time off the mountain, so he was quite excited and jumped up and down on the couch with a big smile on his face.

Whilst Xiaotian was jumping up and down, they looked at each other, feeling happy that their cub wanted to go as much as they did even though he didn't really know why yet.


The trip took a bit of time to actually plan as they needed to send letters to their brothers so they would actually be present when they arrived, and whilst waiting for a reply from them, they packed a bag that had some toys and peaches in it for Xiaotian incase he got bored. But the replies ended up only taking a few days to arrive and all the letters said they accepted and would be there but asked why they were being summoned as Wukong thought it would be funny if he didn't tell them anything until they got there.

When Wukong and Macaque were happy that everything had been settled and they just had to go, Xiaotian had spent his time playing with the monkeys and picking his favourite toy to take with him to remind him of home as it was his first time off the mountain. He ended up picking a small doll that was in the shape of a monkey. It looked a bit worn down, but that just showed how much he'd loved it over the years. He got it on his first birthday, and he ended up naming it Mk because he was Qi Xiaotian, son of Sun Wukong the Monkey King, so he was the Monkie Kid or Mk for short. The doll was made by Macaque for their future cub, and to make it more special, he used his and Wukongs' fur to make it, so it meant they were always there for their cub even if they weren't.

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