The wind can talk?

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Since he had more of an idea where he was going this time it was pretty straight forwards getting there, but the prison was at the base of a mountain in the north and when your nearby to a mountain and the north you usually get a snow storm and boy did he get a strong one. The winds were blowing Xiaotian every which way and more than once they blew him into a pile of snow making him cold and his brown fur looking white with how it all stuck to him. He ironically looked older than Wukong with how white his fur looked.

Every time he tried to get close to the mountain by cloud, shadow portal or shape-shifting he would always be pushed back like an invisible barrier was keeping him away, but as far as he could see even with his golden vision nothing was there, so he just kept pushing for another few hours. It took a while, but after being pushed back the last time into a boulder and hitting his head Xiaotian chose to take a break and re-access the situation as this clearly wasn't working, also he felt like his tail was about to fall off with how cold it was so he walked around looking for a cave so he could get out of the wind.

He'd say it was surprisingly easy to get through the wind on foot, but he didn't want to jinx it nor admit that he spent hours trying to get in which led to nothing. The winds that blew occasionally pushed him in different directions, but it was quite ominous as every time they did Xiaotian would either avoid a celestial guard or mis getting hid by falling ice, even and avalanche was avoided because of it. Also sensitive and impossibly powerful hearing or not he could swear the wind was talking to him and urging him to go one way or another like it was leading him somewhere. Xiaotian was obviously suspicious of the ominous talking wind that was saving his life, but he had no choice but to follow it as these sort of things usually led to a demon or something important and one of things is exactly what he's looking for. Also Xiaotian would quite literally freeze if he didn't follow it as he couldn't feel his fingers or his toes, and his tail was basically just a fluffy white rope that was attached at his waist with how numb it felt.

Following the wind took a while, but surprisingly enough the further into the storm Xiaotian walked the warmer it got, and he could even see the eye of the storm over the peak of the mountain clear as day, which would usually be covered by all the wind, snow and occasional thunder, but in this one area there was basically nothing, like the storm couldn't touch it at all. It was actually quite pretty to look at and since the temperature increased Xiaotian regained feeling in his toes, fingers and tail so he was quite happy about that.

As he walked he saw he was getting closer and closer to the mountain, so after realising all he had to do was listen and follow wind to get to it and not be blown away and basically chucked into several piles of snow and a few rocks, he was annoyed he wasted all that time for nothing. Xiaotian tried listening again to the wind to see what it was actually saying as before all he heard were very ominous whispers, so that wasn't of much help and only creeped him out. But this time it was more like a story being told or like when someone reads a history book or a legend, although from what Xiaotian could piece together it was a mix of all 3. It was a story about the mountain and it's history, but the whole place had been there for so long and shrouded in so much mystery that it was also classed as a legend.

From the parts Xiaotian could hear the story went like this:

Long ago when the world was still young and the Jade Emperor had just ascended to the throne of Heaven, the world was filled with demons of all kinds, along with gods, goddesses, and spirits. Mortals hadn't been created yet so there wasn't much fighting for territories as most demons kept to themselves in their own groups and respected each others boundaries. This mountain was a meeting place for all the leaders of each demon clan and they discussed issues, problems and trade routes in a temple at the peak of the mountain. The mountain itself was the only places that was in the middle of every territory so it was common ground and so it became sacred, even gaining it's own form of magic that it still uses to this day to protect itself and keep it's history alive.

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