Lotus petals?

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After leaving the celestial realm to head to Flower Fruit Mountain, Ne Zha was quickly able to see why Xiaotian used enough magic to set off the sensor as there was ice spikes everywhere, all over the forest floors, mountain sides and even one massive one that seemed to have the end of it broken off, and upon closer inspection he saw small remnants of blood left of the end of the spike. It was only a handful, but after getting closer to the end of the spike that had the tip snapped off the broken remains looked a lot bigger up close. So whatever or whoever this spike pierced had it go straight through them and then some.

Thankfully though it seemed Xiaotian became immortal a few years ago, so he shouldn't be dead, but the state he's currently in would probably be certain death for anyone mortal, and if he's still alive then it's just plain torture.

Although that just made things so much worse as the last time he saw this ice was with LBD and her puppet, and if this was blood then it could only be Xiaotians, meaning he probably fought the puppet and lost. But after taking another look around the island it seemed he put up one heck of a fight and in a few spots it seemed he wasn't using his full power as in some places there were small craters, and in others there were massive ones. Only reason he guessed they were made by monkey and not ice/bone demon was because no ice was in the area it was just pure magic power that made these.

A few were even similar sizes if not bigger than the ones Wukong and Macaque would usually make in their fights, so that meant one of 2 things.

1. Both Sun Wukong and The Six-Eared-Macaque were holding back in those fights


2. Qi Xiaotian the monkey prince, the heir to the throne of Flower Fruit Mountain was just that strong.

And if he went on the knowledge that he's around 25 or 26 now, then his strength could only double if not triple within the next century, and the current strength that Wukong and Macaque have shown, that is an accumulation of multiple centuries if not millennia of training, Xiaotian would certainly be a force to be reckoned with in battle either in the near future or in a few centuries.

So if he was with the puppet and LBD now, then that could spell doom for Heaven, so now it was even the promise that motivated him to find the missing monkey prince it was stopping the possible destruction of the Celestial Realm.

Looking around the rest of the mountain and making it to the grand gushing waterfall that hid the cave that was now the home of Heavens biggest pains in the ass, he already knew he wouldn't be able to open it as he had watched one of his guards try before when he was sent to infiltrate Wukongs home to see what he could learn or gain. It ended badly and Heaven never bothered trying again as not even the Jade Emperors magic could get through the barrier so what was the point?

As Ne Zha was thinking of a plan to gain any useful information he could from the mountain he heard some chitters and chirps from the trees around him, but at first he ignored them as just the natural ecosystem doing what it does. It was only when they got louder and turned to almost shrieks that he turned to see it was 3 monkeys all sitting on the same branch, and all were staring at him. It was surprisingly intimidating and he honestly respected it as not much could intimidate him outside of the celestial realm.

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