You have a son?!

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(A/N - This may be a weird request that I have said probably numerous times but now, but I still want to say it as with these recent weeks I need all the inspiration I can get so please type things in the comments and again I don't care what I just need something.)




After leaving the Celestial Realm, Ne Zha went to 5-phases-mountain to see Wukong and Macaque as they would understand this anomaly better than anyone, also it would help to know anything about this being the artefact sensed so it could help them stop it of it becomes a threat if it's not one already. He had to make sure there was someone to watch over his temple in the celestial realm and continue doing his paperwork before he left as he still had a lot to do and it kept piling up, so that needed to be sorted sooner rather than later. Along with a weird note that appeared on his desk 2 days ago that just had a name written on it with messy yet somehow creepy handwriting. It said 'Qi Xiaotian', but he wasn't sure what to make of it so he just kept the note in his pocket when he departed for the mountain.

Getting to the mountain took only a few minutes as he used his lotus flowers to travel and he walked in through the entrance to the cave passing the 2 guards that stood on the outside, and making sure to ask them if they saw or felt anything, but they just just reported that about just over a month ago, the temperatures dropped and then raised just as quickly, but it was all in the span of a few hours, so it was definitely something to keep note of.

The main area where Wukong and Lui'er Mihou were being kept was a bits walk through the mountain and Ne Zha made sure to note down every seal placed and every one he passed by to make sure none were broken, damaged or removed. Thankfully none were, but it still begged the question on why that energy sensor went off in the first place, so he continued walking to the centre of the mountain to ask the source.

Upon arrival both monkeys watched him come in and the rock that imprisoned them in the mountain had not a single crack or indent, meaning they hadn't left since they got sealed and the seals hadn't been touched by anyone on the inside or on the outside. But to his annoyance the blond monkey that was a huge pain in his side was speaking to him like they were buddies and it infuriated him, not that Wukong thought they were friends, but how he acted like he hadn't rampaged through Heaven and given him all this paperwork to complete because of all the property damage.

Wukong: "Ne Zha, what are you doing here? Came to visit little old me?"

Ne Zha tried to stay calm in hopes things might go easier and if the 2 celestial primates before him knew something then it would need to be a serious discussion, so he just looked at te both of them and as calmly as possible stated.

Ne Zha: "No, I came to ask you both a question."

Now that confused them, as Wukong knew the lotus prince pretty well, but the guy barely knew Macaque other than the reports and when he came to heaven with him, so addressing both of them meant something, but they didn't know what.

Macaque: "Why both of us?"

Ne Zha: "As I am sure your both aware, especially you Wukong, the Celestial Realm regards you both as powerful beings that can cause a lot of trouble for Heaven."

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