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After reaching the garage both Xiaotian and Red son went to Red's large desk that had blue prints scattered all over it, well they were all over it until Red cleared space and wiped them all off the table, so now they were all scattered over the floor, but they could deal with that later. With the table cleared Red placed the scroll on the table, but left it closed still, so it was still wrapped up with a blue ribbon holding it together. He then looked to Xiaotian.

Red: "You ready for this?"

He was asking a regular question quite genuinely as he was wondering Xiaotians take on all this, but he just got a playful come back that he gave an incredulous glare at.

Xiaotian: "What are you talking about? Of course I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"

Red: "I'm being serious Xiaotian, are you ready to open this scroll?"

Obviously realising he'd been caught Xiaotian just sighed and was more or less honest, wrapping his tail around his leg as he looked towards the general direction of the scroll, but not at it.

Xiaotian: "I don't know, maybe? It's just, I already know it is going to take a while to complete the clues, but I feel like I'm not doing enough to find them and it shouldn't take long to figure out these clues and I should find them faster."

Red: "Xiaotian, we haven't even opened the scroll yet and you're already worrying about how long you'll take to complete them and get the answer. Honestly I'd say you're dumb for thinking that and need to snap out of it."

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