Out for the count

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Moving through the endless tunnels with Chichi felt like a never ending maze that was full of dead ends, with more showing up at almost every turn, it was a blessing that they didn't get lost, but even then that wasn't thanks to luck it was thanks to the monkey who came with him, as he was using his sense of smell. The spell Ne Zha was using to understand him was still in affect, but even when Chichi didn't speak he still knew what he was thinking as he ran through the caves, as he was running like his life depended on it or like he needed to do something.

At first it was weird and didn't seem like a good thing, but then after seeing how determined the monkey was, he understood. Xiaotian was here.

Chichi hadn't acted like this and was always right by him or sitting on either his shoulder or head or just simply hanging on his back, but this time he was full speeding ahead, determined like he had a mission, meaning he might have just found who they were looking for. So he didn't really ask questions and just followed Chichi further and further in, also if he didn't know better then he would think that the monkey had been here his whole life with how he took every corner and pathway without stopping to think. Like he knew the way like the back of his paw.

He only says this as when the passed an area with 6 different tunnels, and he was starting to think they wouldn't find Xiaotian, but upon seeing Chichi wasn't by his side anymore he looked around and saw him taking the second pathway, but they had only just got there when the monkey was running so that meant he never stopped and thought about it, he just went. With that level of determination who wouldn't follow them? Anyone would be an idiot not to, as in this case it's either follow the more confident person, or second guess yourself and lose your partner getting you lost with no way out.

He may not have been in these sort of situations often, but he knows when to lead and when to follow, and this is one of those times where he followed, so he ran after Chichi letting him lead the way and making sure to stay behind him, but also keep pace with him which surprisingly wasn't hard even with the size difference since the monkey only came up to his knee.

This monkey was more of a leader than he was, and he surprisingly wasn't offended by that as all he saw was loyalty to his friend and the determination to find him, and the last time he saw this level of determination was when Wukong and Macaque tried to escape their prison. Obviously the strength difference was not possible to calculate, but Chichi is currently the definition of determination and the monkey doesn't even have to say it for him to know that Chichi doesn't care if he isn't as strong as the rest, to him strength and status don't matter, well at least not when it's to do with Xiaotian.

It was honourable, and he can say without a doubt in his mind that this Qi Xiaotian was a good person with how much these his family and subjects cared for him.

Seriously, Chichi knew about him and his rank in Heaven yet he still climbed on, yelled at and jumped on him to get answers for his missing friend, and he never gave up looking for him either. Not in the 20 years he's been missing did Chichi ever stop looking. Now that was something to be respected.


As they kept running through each winding tunnel he started to wonder if Heaven had noticed his absence, but he shook that thought away as time moved slower in heaven than it did in the mortal realm, but even then you'd think they would notice that a high ranking being like himself was gone for a while. Guess there was some truth to the brotherhood's ideals after all since no one seemed to be bothered to check on him.

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