Through the Years

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Since Xiaotian had now met his uncles, they would occasionally come to Flower Fruit Mountain to take care of him, and Wukong let them learn the hard way as they did that it's impossible to raise a child. Especially one as energetic, mischievous, and as powerful as theirs.

One of these visits Xiaotian decided to learn shape-shifting, so he was popping through portals, coming out who knows where as something else and it took so longer to find him that they just gave up and played the waiting game with a bowl of peaches on the kitchen table.

They gave up after a week.

The only good thing about the entire situation was that Peng was too tired to make a snarky comment, so they got some peace with it. The rest of the Brotherhood also realised why Wukong and Macaques hadn't let him off the mountain yet because if he had, he would have other places to pop out from, and they'd never find him.

And somehow, with all of the cubs travelling and shifting across the whole mountain, he never actually figured out how to control it and just turned into something random. So there were still things to figure out, but they were easier and got easier as time went by, and Xiaotian mastered that power.

One thing everyone in the brotherhood could agree on, though, and that included Macaque and Wukong, was that kids were a lot of work. Also, the others may not be as strong as Wukong and Macaque, but if they have a child, they could have as much power as them if not more from birth, so they all promised themselves to try steer clear of it. Well, all minus DBK as he'd had an eye on a Celestial Maiden.

No one let him live it down, and at some point, even Xiaotian joined in, meaning DBK never got a break from it. So the great and powerful Demon Bull King, who rained with power and terror in his domain, was bullied to embarrassment by his brothers and his energetic, overpowered, 5 year old nephew.


When Xiaotian turned 6, everyone was expecting him to unlock a new power, and Wukong and Macaque nearly went mad, trying to guess either when it was gonna show or what power. Even the brotherhood tried to guess and even used some research from the Yellow Tusks domain, but all came up empty-handed.

So Wukong and Macaque just suggested limiting visits or checking weeks to a month beforehand to see if there were any changes. Along with this, Xiaotian was barely left alone and was banned from leaving the cave for the entire year, which he quickly grew sick of and tried numerous times per week to escape. All failed, but that didn't stop him.

Whilst they were waiting to see if a new power would show up, Wukong decided it was time to give his cub some self-defense training. With how it went last time, he tried to show Xiaotian weapon. Wukong was quite surprised when Mangoes agreed to it. Although he could assume it was because he was older and not a few months old, he wasn't complaining, though.

When they introduced the idea of self-defence training, Xiaotian was all for it as it meant he had something to do, but also meant he could have a way to fight even without powers, and it also just seemed really cool.

Xiaotians training obviously started slow, and depending on which tactic they were using would depend on the teacher as his Baba taught him about strength, powerful attacks, and staff weilding. His Dad, however, taught him evasion, sneak attacks, observation skills, learning when to pick and choose battles, and agility.

The skills taught by both were easy to start with, and with Xiaotian being a monkey, he had more flexibility and was quite agile when it came to manoeuvring on the ground, through trees and along cliff edges.

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