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Xiaotian: "Okay, so it all started at the second demon prison, the one with the skull over it...

I got stopped by a barrier as the mountain had a lot more history than I had ever thought and I won't go into detail on it or even touch over it at all, but there is an abandoned temple at the peak of the mountain and the old demonic leaders used to meet there to discuss politics, until the mortals came and ruined all of it.

I was led to a cave by the wind at the summit of the mountain and for some reason the wind could speak and I could understand it and they gave me the whole history of the mountain and basically demonic culture as a whole. But back to the point, in the cave was a really creepy guy who turned out to be a puppet for the demon who was trapped, also turns out that the sealed demon, the puppet and the wind all know that I am the son of Wukong and Macaque, and so when they gave me the scroll the demon told me she made it so it would take a while to complete as she thought it was a fitting punishment."

Red: "Fitting punishment for what?"

Xiaotian: "Oh right, the demon was trapped and sealed by my baba, and so to make sure he got a 'long enough sealing' she made the clues take a while to figure out and clearly she was certain it would take a while as the eclipse has just been."

Red: "Okay, so what's with the key then? You said it can free a powerful demon, and if you got the key from the same demon you got the scroll from, and the same demon it's meant to free, then why not just free themselves?"

Xiaotian: "I don't really understand that one either, but she said her destiny had not yet come so she had to wait until the time came, and in exchange for the scroll, I have to look after her key and give it back when the time comes."

Red: "So you made a deal with her then. Is that why you couldn't tell us before?"

Xiaotian: "It is, and I could only tell you now as she allowed me to. Turns out since the key is connected to the deal, it connects me and the demon so she can talk to me whenever she wants, and it was who I was talking to before. She gave me permission to tell you, but only under the promise that you wouldn't tell your parents."

Red: "Why? What would they have to do with her? What is her name exactly?"

Xiaotian: "Well, she probably thinks, and I just speculate that since DBK was closely connected to my baba, then he would know who she is, and that may cause problems for her 'destiny'."

Red: "Guess Wukong would go on a rant to my father if he defeated and sealed a powerful demon. What was her name?"

Xiaotian: "Before I tell you, you need to promise that you won't tell your parents."

Red: "Fine, I promise. Now, who is this? She devil that my mother and father can't know you made a deal with her."

Xiaotian: "She's an ice demon who goes by The Lady Bone Demon."

Red: "Her?! That's who you made a deal with?!"

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