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Xiaotian: "I'm Prince Qi Xiaotian. Nice to meet ya, Redson."

After he said this, Redson was utterly embarrassed as he remembered every time he called him a 'Simian', and so when he stood up and dusted himself off he bowed to Xiaotian whilst looking as Red as a tomato with a small spark to his hair.

Red: "I... apologise for calling you a.... Simian... I didn't realise who you were or your social standing. I apologise."

The apology was a bit forced as Red had not really had to apologise for anything in his life, and he was also embarrassed by his previous actions, so that was the cherry on the cake. Xiaotian was quite pleased with himself, and after helping Redson up again, he turned around and walked back to the hut with Red following behind him.


Once inside the hut, Xiaotian went to the kitchen to make some tea whilst Redson sat on the couch waiting and recovering from his embarrassment of an introduction. When Xiaotian came back, he was holding 2 cups of steaming tea with one in each hand and what looked to be a small bowl of tea in his tail. Redsons was quite confused on the bowl, but soon realised it was for the monkey known as Chichi when said monkey appeared behind him and chirped right in his ear, making him jump. After passing out the teas, Xiaotian sat on the other side of the couch with Chichi next to him on the arm rest.

Xiaotian: "Hey Redson, I have to ask, why did you come for me? You said something about DBK."

Red: "I thought I already told you on the beach?"

Xiaotian was slightly embarrassed as he had, in fact, forgotten whilst focusing on revenge for being called a simian. It wasn't hard for Red to tell that Xiaotian hadn't listened to a word he said, so he just sighed and explained it again.

Red: "Since you clearly weren't listening, I am going to have to say it again. I Red Son, am here for you, Qi Xiaotian and I have been I trusted by my father, The Demon Bull King, to check up on you and possibly bring you back with me to see him since he hasn't seen or heard anything from anyone on the Flower Fruit Mountain since your 8th birthday and after the fight with Heaven."

Xiaotian perked up when he heard about the fight as it meant that Red knew about the fight, so maybe he had some information on his parents and what happened to them.

Xiaotian: "Hey, Red, you said about the battle for Heaven. Do you know what happened?"

Red: "Why don't you know, it literally went down in history for the fight that nearly took down Heaven."

Xioatian was a bit saddened when Red said 'nearly' as that meant that it almost worked but then failed, and so they lost, meaning that his Dad's lost.

Xiaotian: "Can you at least tell me what happened in the fight and after it. I haven't left the mountain, and no one's come to it until you arrived today."

Red felt a bit sympathetic as when his father went to that fight with Heaven, he didn't return for 3 months afterwards, so he couldn't imagine what over a decade felt like with no knowledge at all. And even when his father had gone missing after the battle, they heard rumours for what had happened and then got the whole story from a passing celestial, so they at least knew what had happened, whilst Xiaotian was alone and completely in the dark on all of it.

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