Learning the ropes

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Time goes by, and Qi Xiaotian grows up..... And Wukong and Macaque quickly learn....

It's impossible to raise a child.

At the age of one, the cub had unknowingly figured out how to make shadow portals and would make them randomly scaring the shit out of his parents when he went missing. Macaque, being the person he got the ability from, used his own portals to find the cub each time but would once again lose him almost as soon as he placed him down anywhere. Seriously, you name it a couch, floor, chair, table, bed, pillow, you name it. On it one second, gone the next.

And that was just the start of their many heart attacks.

A few months later, when Macaque and Wukong had that power almost handled, Xiaotian then decided to unlock his clone ability. So now they had to worry about duplicates teleporting everywhere and try to find the real one before he got lost in one of the portals and ended up in who knows where.

Wukong had more of an idea on how they worked, and they found a way to tell the real one from the clones, and that was so simple it was stupid. The original Xiaotian had more of a personality than the others, so if one was going through different emotions, then they were the original as the clones had either one emotion or one personality and they only multiplied as Xiaotian figured out he could make more.

He surprisingly only figured out this ability when some of his fur caught on a branch outside the hut whilst he was teleporting everywhere. The fur then got caught in the wind causing Xiaotian to sneeze and making the hair glow, so when Wukong heard 2 identical monkeys outside, he thought he was seeing double and completely forgot he could do that too.

(When Macaque found out he just face palmed at his mates stupidity and how they have another problem to deal with.)


By the time Xiaotian turned 2, he had some form of control over his portals and clones, but Wukong decided to place a tracking seal on him none the less for safety precautions.

At this time, Xiaotian had learned to say 2 words and wasn't a very talkative baby as he mainly spoke through chirps to the monkeys on the mountain. The first 2 words he said were 'Baba' and 'Dada', and Wukong was slightly offended by being called Baba as he wanted to be the dad, but Macaque was quite pleased with himself and rubbed it in Wukongs face whenever he could for the next 3 nearly 4 months. Along with slightly talking, Xiaotian also learned to crawl, and you'd think that being a monkey and climbing trees as soon as he hatched, he would've learned sooner. But with him teleporting so often, Macaque and Wukong barely put him down, so he never really had the chance to. It was only when they had the tracking seal placed and had an almost solid way to find the original throughout all the clones that they put him down more.

They also just liked carrying their cub around, and having him with them was comforting and absolutely adorable when he fell asleep in their arms.


The next power he unlocked was when he was nearing his 3rd birthday, and by now, he could speak nearly full sentences but still preferred chirping, and he was actually using his portals to get around, which Macaque was very proud of everytime he portalled next to him yelling "Dada!"

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