The Waiting Game

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After Wukong and Macaque left the mountain, Xiaotian was left alone on the mountain, well alone minus Chichi, his best friend, and Laoren, who was tasked with watching over him.

Along with every single demon monkey on Flower Fruit Mountain.


The days that followed after his parents left felt so long when they happened yet so short at the same time, and by the time he thought back on how long it had been, an entire month had passed. All Xiaotian had done during that time was mope around and hope his Dad and Baba would come home soon and he'd see them again. But no one gets what they want.

On the nights, he'd get nightmares of his parents never coming back or something terrifying coming to the mountain he'd go to his Dad's and Baba's room or hold his doll Mk close as it had their scents so they were quite calming and got him through the days. He may be an overpowered, celestial primate, and the child of Sun Wukong the Monkey King and Lui'er Mihou the Six-Eared-Macaque, but he was still just a cub an 8 year old, small, fluffy cub.

Chichi mainly kept him busy by inviting him to grooming sessions with the other monkeys or going and playing in the trees like they used to. Xiaotian liked the distraction, and as he did these things, he forgot why he was sad, but as these things were comforting, they were making his mind believe it really was old times and when he'd go home they'd be there to welcome him. Although it never came true no matter how hard he tried.

Even after almost a whole year of them being gone, he still hoped they'd be there waiting for him when he went home. On some occasions, the loneliness and crushing feeling he felt when they weren't there made him just not even get up from the bed for days at a time. He may be young, but he's still a monkey, so he missed them so much more than he could ever put into words. The only way he even ate on most of these days would be when Chichi would bring him some fruit to eat so he wouldn't starve.

When he finally decided to get out of the house, he found it had been months, so long in fact, he had missed his own birthday. The monkeys on the mountain waited patiently when they heard their prince was coming out and as soon as he did they all cheered and said a late happy birthday as they didn't get to on his actual one.


It took a few years, but eventually, he came to terms with his parents being gone and the crushing feeling wasn't as bad anymore, and so he decided to just wait for them to come back by themselves as they promised to be back for his 21st birthday so they could see him eat his peach of immortality and become an immortal one like them. To distract himself from waiting, he ran his kingdom as in his parents' absence, he would be acting king so he was addressed as such, by some of his subjects but a few kept with calling him prince out of respect for Wukong and Macaque.

Xiaotian was never really big on celebrations, but every year on his birthday, every monkey on the mountain would come to the cave and throw a big party for him. He enjoyed every one of them and was thankful for the thought as his first birthday without his Dad and Baba there he didn't even realise it had passed until a few months later. The parties themselves were quite fun as the monkeys stole quite a lot of party items from Wukongs hoard, and there was seem other party items there, but Xiaotian was too young according to them so they left them in there.

(It was alcohol)


At this point, Xiaotian was now 12 years old and had unlocked a few extra powers like his Baba's laser eyes, which he barely used for obvious reasons, along with a nimbus cloud aswell, and he also got his Dad's shadow creation ability so he could make anything he could think of and he was now a master of controlling his shadows and often put on shadow plays for the monkeys when he could as they all seemed to enjoy every one he performed. They all said he was as good if not better than his Dad. He was happy to be compared to The-Six-Eared-Macaque as he was the best shadow user around. It's why he was given the Moon title in the Sun and Moon duo.

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