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Once getting in the room the puppet was standing in front of before Xiaotian couldn't help at marvel at it as even though it was still sort of creepy it was massive and their were pillars holding up the ceiling and each one was wrapped on a glowing blue chain that had a few spirits swirling around each one, and the cave seemed to have a cold blue glow to it that illuminated the whole place, but it wasn't coming from the torches. If all this wasn't creepy it would definitely be really cool, but alas we never get what we want so when the puppet appeared behind Xiaotian again he jumped up onto his cloud and flew up to the ceiling and if he wasn't so scared then he could've sworn he felt like he had no fur for like a split second.

???: "Apologise young Qi Xiaotian. I said I wouldn't do that again."

Xiaotian: "Damn right you did! Now stop doing that or I will probably punch you in the face next time!"

???: "Of course, of course. I swear I will not do that again, but I may do it accidentally out of habit as that is how I move around. So future apologise for if I ever do it again"

Xiaotian came down from the ceiling and poofed his cloud out of existence still feeling embarrassed that it happened twice, but he swallowed his utter embarrassment in favour of making whatever deal the lady bone demon wanted and getting out and away from this mountain as fast as possible so he can go get his dad's out of whatever prison they were trapped in.

He was led further into the cave where there were a mix of golden and blue chains wrapped around every pillar, boulder and wall, and all one of them looked enchanted with high level spells so clearly this lady bone demon was a big deal to be trapped down here. Xiaotian though wasn't sure whether to be scared of how powerful she might be or happy that because of all this she will actually have the answer to where his dad's are. It was a very confusing situation.


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