Will they help us?

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After PIF and Redson left the demon bull fortress they used his mothers fan and he flames to travel there since it would take them months on foot and Redson was in a panic about Xiaotian, so he forgot he had vehicles to travel in to make the journey faster. The trip took all of a few minutes, but it felt like an eternity to both Redson and PIF as they were all worried out of their minds for Xiaotian, and now knowing who had him and not knowing what state the monkey was in made everything 10 times worse.

All Redson could do was just hope and pray to the gods he was okay and they would find him soon.

When he thought back on what happened he could only blame himself for not reaching him in time, not helping, for being indecisive, and he regretted not using the Samadhi fire, thinking that if he had used it, yes he would've burned the mountain but all the demon monkeys were away in the sealed cave so it only would've damaged the mountain and the forests. Even with all that damage in mind, if he knew what was going to happen, how that fight was going to turn out he would've used it without a second thought. Not knowing anything about Xiaotians whereabouts was terrifying and if felt like it was killing his mind from the inside out.

PIF wasn't much better, even though she didn't have as close a connection as her son she still had grown to care deeply for the monkey prince and since he was her husbands brothers son, it meant she had a sort of duty to help him with being his aunt.

Only good thing she could get out of all of this was that Red's reaction confirmed her suspicions in that he had a crush on Xiaotian, so in a few instances she was glad her husband and his brothers weren't related by blood, but even so their bonds were just as strong. They say blood runs thicker than water, but with DBK and his brotherhood she'd say that their bonds are stronger than steel, and so she was glad both her son and husband had those bonds. But both had their bonds taken away from them and now she needs to get one of them back, and in doing that it'll end up leading to the others, so it's just a matter of time. How much though is the question that plagues her mind.


Making it close to the mountain was easy and getting there, they could see the spell was still in place and fully functional, but that also meant they couldn't get to the mountain, so they came out in a small flaming tornado not too far from the spells borders. The giant storm that surround and covered the most of the mountain and making the peak invisible from the ground was still in full effect and when PIF's flamenado disappeared she herself was fine as she had dealt with worse and it was her own wind and it would've been kinda weird if she got blown away by her own spell, but Redson on the other hand got blown off his feet.

Seeing her son get blown by the wind she reached out to get him but just missed and he went face first into a large pile of snow and it looked to hurt as below the snow was a rock covered in ice. PIF came over to help her son and also to snicker a bit at his misfortune like any good mother would, but as she did she saw a second indent next to Redson, but it looked different, so she could only assume it was another demon, but the only reason she didn't was because she saw something fluffy sticking out of the ice.

After getting his face out of the snow and wiping off some of the snow from his face and glasses, his hair lit on fire and melted the rest that was in his hair, on his horns and the small parts of snow that were stuck to the fluff at the end of his tail. To say the least he was utterly embarrassed and looked to his mother and was about to make her promise not to tell his father or Xiaotian when they got back home, but stopped when he saw her looking at something.

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