Hell on earth

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Puppet: "Seems I'll have to teach you some manners my dear Xiaotian~. But don't worry you'll be let out in just under 200 years, but until then I have all the time I need to break that little spirit of yours~"

Xiaotian: "Stay away from me ya creep! I ain't gonna break if it's the last thing I do!"

Puppet: "Guess we'll have to see about that, won't we~"


Well the puppet was right, and he made things absolute hell and his body somehow felt worse than when he got pierced by the ice shard, as even if the puppet was creepy as fuck he could still pack a punch and with him already being in a weakened state he couldn't use the shadows and barely had any energy to move at all. Also if it weren't for his boosted healing abilities and the fact of how he was immortal, then he would be in Diyuu talking to one of the ten kings of hell, so he wasn't sure whether he was happy he was immortal or not.

His time in the cave felt like eternity, and because there was no natural light he couldn't tell what time of day it was, and even though the puppet came to torment and torture him every chance he got, he had no clue how much time passed between visits. He felt like his mind was beginning to crack and snap under the weight of it all and when the puppet was in the cave with him, the guy didn't say a word and just laughed with his creepily wide smile, so any info on the outside world and news from Flower Fruit Mountain was cut off. He could've used his hearing to find out himself, but for some reason every time he tried to he got a splitting headache, so he eventually stopped trying as to not make his situation somehow worse than it already was.

He was given no food and no water, which was probably just a decision made in favour of the puppet hoping that when he next came back to check on his prisoner there wouldn't be life in his body, but he was always disappointed and made sure to convey that every time he came. He wasn't even sure anymore of how much he'd healed himself from what would've been a fatal injury as even immortality can't numb pain and the bigger the wound the longer it took to heal or regrow if it was entirely cut off.

Most of the things the puppet did to him were stamp and crush his tail and his legs so they were basically noodles and with the ice spike in his gut growing back to original size daily it meant he was basically just eternally weak and his healing was slowed, so every piece, shard and atom of his bones healed at snails pace and he felt every second of it. The puppet decided that every time he came to check on Xiaotian, the first thing he would do is return the ice spike to it's original size as his body was focusing on the first injury and so it would crush and break apart the ice as it healed, so making the spike bigger ruined that progress and his body had to restart all over again.

The other injuries he got were smaller but still hurt like hell and stung like a thousand knives, which is technically true since he was being literally stabbed by ice spikes and shards that were specifically made to be thin and sharp like an actual knife or needle.

Some of it healed, but it never stayed that way for long and all the while Xiaotian was in pain and writhing in agony as his bones were crushed to splinters and his wounds were left to the cold frigid air of the cave, the puppet just smiled, his smile even growing wider as Xiaotians blood started to pool underneath him from deeper slashes. The crimson liquid seeming to almost blend in with the dark icy blue floor around him as the small amount of light reflected off of the rose puddle. If Xiaotian wasn't in so much pain and the liquid wasn't blood, nor his own blood for that matter then it would've been pretty, but he didn't get that luxury so he just tried to take deep breaths and calm down so things didn't get worse, so the puppet couldn't see how much this was hurting him.

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