Qi Xiaotian

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After leaving the summet of the mountain to go back to the hut, the monkeys of the island watched from the trees completely in  aww of their new prince. Some of them even came down to get a better look, and even though Wukong tried to stop them and leave their newly hatched cub alone, Xiaotian had other ideas and instead climbed up Wukongs arm and onto his back then proceeding to reach out for the monkeys on the nearest branch.

Wukong tried his best to hold him, and even though he was barely 20 minutes old, he was still a monkey, so he wriggled out of his father's grasp and onto the nearest branch with the help of the monkeys on said branch helping him out so he didn't fall. All Xiaotian wanted to do was explore the new world he had been born into, but this desire to explore came with the consequence of Wukong nearly having a heart attack when he stumbled on the branches. Xiaotian had basically no control of his tail yet, so it just swung lazily behind him and wagged when he was happy. (it was constantly wagging)

Macaque was almost as nervous as Wukong, but he was slightly less due to the fact that if the cub did fall, he could catch him with his shadows. Also, being a new parent came with screaming instincts that Wukong wasn't even sure he had so when he saw his cub almost fall off a branch but get caught by one of the elder monkeys he summoned his cloud and flew to where his cub was on the branch then picking him up and holding him close to his chest. The instincts that were once screaming at him calmed down when he felt Xiaotian's soft fur against his chest.

Macaque just found Wukongs display amusing and let out a soft laugh as it's not every day you see the infallible legend almost fall apart.

When Wukong was back on the ground with his cub against his chest, they continued to walk back to the hut this time though Wukong didn't allow any of the monkeys to come too close which Macaque apologised for after.

When they finally made it back to the hut, all the monkeys that were on the trees were now just peering through the window. When Xiaotian entered the hut for the first time, he was slightly scared as it was a new place he had never seen before, so he held onto Wukongs fur and hid his face in it as it was the safest place he knew. Wukong noticing the cub move looks down to see him try to hide in his fur, and to try to calm him down, he uses his tail to wrap around his cubs so he knew it was ok and his heart absolutely melted when he saw his cub stare back at him with slightly wet eyes.

Wukong took the cub to the living room and sat on the couch, releasing his hold on Xiaotian only slightly whilst Macaques went to the kitchen to grab them some drinks and some fruit. When they were both on the couch, Xiaotian relaxed more into his father hold and then began to nuzzle his face against Wukongs' soft warm fur. Wukong felt absolute adoration for the little cub in his arms and how he quickly stole his heart.

When Macaque finally came into the living room, he was holding 2 cups of tea 1 in each hand and then a bowl of peaches and plums in his tail. He handed one of the cups to Wukong, who took it with one hand, keeping the other on Xiaotian whilst he sat down next to him with his own tea in his hands and placing the fruit bowl on his lap.

When the fruit bowl was placed down, a tiny nose began to wiggle and see what the smell was, and more importantly, what or where it was coming from. As scared of the new place as he nothings beats food and he hadn't eaten since he hatched so he was starving. Xiaotian then got out of his father's grip and crawled closer to Macaque and saw the bowl of fruit on his lap he reached put to try and get one for himself but still being small was unable to reach it.

Wukong and Macaques found this absolutely adorable and gently pushed the basket closer so it was in his cubs reach, and he could grab what he wanted, although they were too eager to find out. During the year when Wukong and Macaque were waiting for the egg to hatch, they debated on things like appearance, powers and especially food tastes as Macaque enjoyed plums whilst Wukong enjoyed peaches and they wanted to know which one their cub liked more so they bet on it winner got bragging rights.

They were both really eager to see which fruit Xiaotian picked, and when he picked a peach, Wukong cheered so much he stood up and nearly dropped him, but thankfully, despite Macaque being sad he lost the bet he was fast enough to catch the cub aand he then glared daggers at Wukong for nearly dropping him. When Wukong didn't feel any weight on his lap, he looked over to his mate and saw the cub in his arms held tightly against his chest. Then he looked up and saw the look Macaque was giving him, and he visibly flinched and shuffled away slightly knowing his glare could set forests on fire and if he had Wukongs laser eyes he'd do more damage than when he destroyed Heaven.

In his more focused state, Wukong remembered he hadn't done anything with Xiaotian before standard up and realised why his mate was staring daggers at him. So he composed himself, then he fell to his knees and began to apologise to his mate and cub for almost dropping him, and as penance for his crime Macaque made him give up his bragging rights so he had technically won but also technically lost. Either way, Macaque was quite smug about it as it meant that Wukong couldn't hold this over him, and if he did, he could remind him how he lost them.

Whilst Macaque was glaring at Wukong and Wukong was still looking slightly pathetic on the ground, Mk had finished his peach and grabbed another one from the bowl as he was now a lot closer to it than before so no one noticed him grab a second. So he just ate his peach whilst being held close to Macaques soft fluffy chest.

When Mk was eating his peach, he looked to the parent holding him and reached up to their face to try and get their attention although with his tiny arms and hands he barely made it halfway up his chest so he just grabbed the fur he could reach and began to tug. Xiaotian was tugging as hard as he could, but he was still very young, so the tugs were quite small.


When Macaque felt something tugging on him, he looked away from his mate and down to the cub in his arms to see him staring g back. The cub then chirped happily and offered the peach he was eating, which absolutely melted Macaques heart at how adorable their cub was. Wukong was just happy the attention was taken off of him, but he still found it adorable and was a little peeved that he wasn't offered any.


When all the peaches and plums had been eaten, Wukong placed the bowl on the coffee table and then looked back to see his cub was full and fast asleep. He was curled up into a little ball on his dads chest with his tail wrapped around Macaques arm. The sight was just too adorable, and neither wanted to part with their new cub just yet, so they headed to their room, placed Xiaotian gently on the bed, and then got into bed themselves.

They then placed themselves on either side of Xiaotian, each holding one of his tiny hands and their tails entwining underneath the covers. They then fell asleep with their cub in-between them, knowing he was safe and with them.


(Sorry if it took longer than i expected it to. I had mocks this whole week, so I've not really had time for most if any of my usual updates.

See you in the next chapter)

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