First on the List

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As Xiaotian began his walk to the first sealed demon he found that the area was surrounded by nothing but fields of flowers, which was quite surprising considering it was meant to be hiding a demon as you could only see the horizon in every direction and nothing else like the whole field was empty. It was so calming as he walked through, that he occasionally lost sight of why he was in the field to begin with so when he found a large cherry blossom tree in the middle of it all and it stuck out quite a bit with it being the only thing on the horizon.

When Xiaotian first saw the tree it was nothing more than a speck in the distance, but as he got closer it kept on getting bigger and bigger (as most things do), and even when he was still a while away from it, the tree was as tall as a full grown oak when you stand right next to it.

The walk just to get to it took about an hour and by the time Xiaotian was standing right in front of it, the tree looked to be 30ft tall and with the trunk being a good 15ft wide, so it was massive. The petals that were from the tree fell like falling snow and landed on the ground decorating the floor a light pink and a few daisy patches were sprouting around the base of the tree so, it gave off this peaceful vibe. The atmosphere felt so peaceful it was almost unreal, and Xiaotian actually forgot why he was here in the first place. But he chose to relax for a bit as it's not like that demons going anywhere.

So he sat down with his back against the tree trunk, and he just watched the petals fall and the clouds cross the sky. There was also a small breeze that went through his fur, and it felt calming. So he made a promise to himself that when he found his dad's, he would bring them here and visit this place again.


As much as Xiaotian wanted to stay for longer he had a job to do so he got up and took a look on his map to see how far he was from the sealed demon whilst using the cherry blossom tree as a landmark. Low and behold the tree was the prison he was looking for, and the roots of the tree that buried deep underground were the bars of the cage, each containing magic to hold its prisoner.

Turns out that finding the prison was the easy part, getting in was another story as to get in you had to be let in by the tree, and for that you needed to be part celestial as they were the only being the tree allowed, so that was an obstacle, but it was quickly solved when he leaned against the tree and it opened making him fall down a large spiralling flight of stairs. Since the fall was so sudden Xiaotian was not thinking at all, so whilst he could have just simply shaped him shape-shifted into a bird and flew down, he was too busy trying not to be sick When he finally reached the bottom of the stairs, he was a dizzy mess, and his fur was all over the place and a bit dirty from all the falling down dirty, old, stone steps.

He ended up recovering fast and getting up then rushing to a corner to throw up as his stomach had just stopped spinning, so now he had an empty stomach and a burning throat, but that healed quite quickly because of his immortality. When he had finally, and fully calmed down Xiaotian took a good look around and saw the roots of the tree making a tunnel, which he assumed was to whoever was trapped here.

He walked through the tunnel of roots which was surprisingly long and then a question was popped into his head that was quickly answered by his own sense of logic and the reason he was looking in these sealed demon places to begin with.

His Baba, Sun Wukong as a Celestial, making Xiaotian half Celestial, so clearly it still worked, but that was good to know that he could get in them. He also wondered if his Dad could get in these places too, but thought he might not because he's technically a demon.

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