Settling in

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The first night at DBK's palace had been more or less peaceful as the clanging metal, boiling lava, and screaming demons wasn't the best sound to sleep to, but most things were worse than the tranquillity of Flower Fruit Mountain. So he would have to get used to that, and with sensitive hearing like his that might take longer than it usually would, so for now, he would just put a dampening spell on his ears.

After waking up, Xiaotian got up and went to take a bath, and he was pleasantly surprised when the bathtub was basically a pool as it reminded him of the springs he used to wash in back on the mountain. It was nice and tranquil.

When he got out, the bath he dried himself off with a towel and his fur went poof, so he had to brush it down, then he got dressed into some of the clothes he brought with him. The clothes were completely his, so they felt right, but there was also some other more formal etire in the closet that had the Bull family crest on them. He wasn't sure if he could use them or not, so he left them alone to be safe.

Since he had basically no idea where he was going in this place, Xiaotian chose to leave his room and go for a wander to see where things were.

His little walk, though, wasn't as calm as he'd liked it to be, though, as he ran into some robot bulls who were patrolling the halls and they thought he was an intruder so they began to chase him through the halls. Xiaotian barely got away as he used his portals to go into a different room and ended up popping out in front of 3 of the robots also on patrol. Then it just went like that for a while, until there were about 25 bulls looking for him and calling him an intruder.

At one point, he ended up coming out of the shadows in a room filled with weapons, some pieces of the bull robots that were chasing him, a lot of tools, and enough blueprints that could fill a library. He looked around the room to see if there was anything interesting and wasn't paying attention when a hand was placed on his shoulder. As soon as he felt it, he jumped up, and using his tail, he held onto one of the pipes in the ceiling, holding onto it for dear life. However, when he looked back down, he saw Redson on the ground looking a mix of surprised and stunned, and he could guess it was because of his response as it was an involuntary action on his part.

When Red had stopped looking like a stunned possum, he was just intrigued by how Xiaotian jumped that high as he was on a steel pipe about 30 feet in the air.

Red: "Xiaotian, it's just me you can come down. Also, why did you just jump all the way up there? With your hearing, I thought you would've heard me coming."

Xiaotian was just embarrassed and quickly jumped back down, landing on his tail as basically a spiralled crash mat, then doing a small push off to land on his feet.

Xiaotian: "Sorry about that Red. I was too busy looking around. I was not paying attention to my surroundings at all."

Red just rolled his eyes, and Xiaotian was just more embarrassed and slightly ashamed that he looked so weak, so he thought to change the subject away from this.

Xiaotian: "Okay, so changing subject, what's this room about? it's full of stuff I've never seen before, especially not whilst I was on the mountain."

Red: "This room is my garage where I get to make, create, and program all the mechanics and technology I want. I'm sure you've seen the Bull Clones wandering around the castle."

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