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After Redson arrived Xiaotian was so happy to see him, but when he tried to move he remembered the chains that held him down and the puppet who stood beside him, so relief was quickly replaced with fear. Panic then began to flood his mind as he worried for what the puppet might do to Red, and seeing the puppet move to behind the bull demon and say something into his ear made him panic even more, but the look of fear in Red's eyes as the puppet said something in his ear just made something in him snap and what was once fear was replaced with anger and  the base of it all was an instinct to protect. He didn't know where it came from, but at the moment, he didn't care, nor did he have time to, so when this feeling was to fuel him, he welcomed it and used it.

Xiaotian tried to stand up even with the chains holding him down, but this time it was different and the chains moved with him, they felt heavy, but they also felt like a snapping rope as every time he moved and slowly got up and back to his feet a new crack in the chains appeared. He hadn't really even noticed the chains breaking as he was just so focused on making sure the puppet couldn't do anything to Red, so with his eyes glowing golden and magic and shadows pooling at his feet he growled out in what could've technically been classed as a roar.

Xiaotian: "Stay away from him!"

This actually startled the puppet as the moment the chains started to break he felt it, so to hear them snapping like the fibres on a rope wasn't doing him any favours, and with Redson stuck between fear of the puppet and in awe of Xiaotians strength he couldn't decide whether to move or stay where he was.

Xiaotian: "Red, get away from him. I don't want you to get hurt."

As confused as Red was on what to feel he could tell Xiaotian was pissed and possibly wanted blood so he listened and quickly moved away from the puppet and ran around the field until he was behind Xiaotian and completely out the way of whatever would happen next.

Puppet: "Seems you have more fight in you than I thought. Let's test it, shall we?~"

Xiaotian: "Let's!"

With that one word the chains that were holding the pissed off primate completely shattered and broke apart with Xiaotian still there in the centre but he wasn't there for long as in a split second he had rushed forwards with so much force left a small crater where he once stood. The puppet couldn't even see it coming as one second there was at least 20 feet between him and Xiaotian, and the next the monkey was right in front of him with a dangerous glint in his eye that made him look terrifying up close. Redson was just in awe of the speed Xiaotian had and was also making a mental note never to piss him off as from what he could tell Qi Xiaotian hadn't even started to show them what he could do.

The puppet was certainly startled at first, but tried to compose himself so he wouldn't seem weak, but he didn't really get time to as he was met with a kick to the face that sent him flying through 14 trees and making a large indent in the indent he landed against and because of the force the air was basically torn from his lungs so he he had to recatch his breath so he could actually fight again. Xiaotian though wasn't planning on giving him that time as he had pulled out some strands of his hair and summoned his clones who all looked equally as powerful and equally as bloodthirsty as the original and so when they made it to the puppet he was just hit with a barrage of punches each that had an added purply golden glow to them.

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