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Ne Zha: "For starters... Sun Wukong is a pain and wouldn't stop giving snarky comments, in all honesty I feel bad for Lui'er as he is stuck with the menace."

Xiaotian then burst out laughing as he'd just described all of Wukong in one phrase. It was great to hear that even after all this time his baba still hadn't changed, and it brought a small warmth to his heart. He couldn't wait to see them again. Which as of now shouldn't be too far away.

Xiaotian: "Yep, that sounds like baba. So you really did go see them."

Ne Zha: "That I did, also before I continue I do have a question for you."

This was intriguing, maybe he would learn some knew stuff too so it would be like a trade of information. Almost like they were exchanging stories or blackmail, and if so he had to hear everything, and answer most if not all questions.

Xiaotian: "Well then fire away."

Ne Zha wasn't sure how to properly word his question without making it complicated so he just went outright and said it.

Ne Zha: "You knew who I was and how I looked even though we've never met and I haven't really left Heaven since your fathers got sealed, well minus the time I was out looking for you that is. So I was wondering how you knew who I was?"

That was the question? Well it is a valid one since he had a full blown panic attack not too long ago at just seeing the guy, so yeah he's not that surprised he's curious as to how he knows him.

Xiaotian: "That's easy. Dad and Baba always talked about you, and my dad went into quite a lot of detail too on your appearance and battle techniques as he thought it was good I knew what certain celestials or demons looked like, sounded like, felt like in terms of magical presences and fought like so if I ever ran into any of them whenever I left the mountain when I was older I would know who I was facing and could make up a plan then and there."

Confusion seemed to cross over the celestials face as he heard that, which made Xiaotian confused as well, because this was straight forwards information. So why was it hard to understand? Was it because he didn't know how his dad got all that information? No that wouldn't be a surprise as he's the master of shadows and basically a born spy with his hearing, so that couldn't be why. So then what was it?

Ne Zha: "That's... smart, but I didn't expect that level of intuition or foresight from Wukong though as he seems more like the type to just jump into the fight head first and then ask questions later. I never would've thought he could think that far ahead."

What did any of that have to do with Baba? He didn't say Wukong, he said his dad Macaque, so why would Ne Zha think of Wukong?

Xiaotian: "Yeah, so what do you mean? I'm confused here."

Ne Zha wanted to use the right words without sounding offensive or insulting, so he made sure to go over what he was going to say first, but soon finding there was no other way to say it. So he just went outright with it as it seemed like the easiest and most straightforward option.

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