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When Xiaotian finally woke up, he was as grumpy and felt as sick as he did after his 18th birthday, so he sat in his bed for 3 days after waking up. He would have been bedbound for longer if he had listened to Loaren and a few of the other older monkeys, who he has now started calling them, The Council of Geezers. Although when in front of them, he calls them The Council of Elders, they don't find out, and Xiaotian and Chichi just can't stop saying it and find their plan very amusing.

You'd think that after unlocking a huge kaiju power and becoming immortal, Xioatian would become more mature and less childish, but unfortunately, one of his dad's is Sun Wukong. This means he can be serious when he needs to be, but is otherwise just an oversized and overpowered cub.

The kaiju power was a shock to everyone, and it was no surprise when Xiaotian wanted to bring it out multiple times a week to get used to it and master its raw strength and size. Long story short, every time he used it, he passed out after keeping it out for over an hour, but because of his overuse of the power he was unconscious for now 1 day max and was now able to hold it for a good 5 hours. None of the Council were happy about his overuse, and Chichi had mini heart attacks every time Xioatian passed out, and he would stay by his side until he woke up again.

Xiaotian obviously got scolded every time he overdid it, but none of the elders nor Chichi could stay mad as he was Wukongs kid, also he's been like that even when he was a cub so no reason it would change now.

Extra time went by, and by that, I mean a few months because of how Xiaotian trained. By the end of this time, though, he had fully mastered the Kaiju, and it was now an oversized puppy dog when it didn't need to fight, and his control over it was probably on par with his dad's kaiju. When the Geezr- *cough* Elders saw his control, they all agreed and said he was as good if not better. All the compliments and praise about his powers being as strong as his dad's were great and all, but it just reminded him that they aren't here and may never come home.

So he decided that if they weren't coming back, he would go find them and bring them home himself.

When he told this idea to the monkeys, they had mixed reactions. Mainly being, fear, sadness, joy, and pride as obvious they wanted their Kings to come back as much as Xioatian, but there was also the possibility that Xioatian wouldn't come back either and quite a few of them didn't want to risk it.

Luckily though, Xioatian had an idea for that.


It may have taken a few days to find and piece together, but he eventually did it. And by that, I mean he found the remnants of his stone egg that his Dad and Baba had kept and pieced it all together like a jigsaw. Once he had pieced it all together, he created a small orb of magic in his hands,

(like the magic Macaque held in his debute episode when he stole Mk's powers)

He then placed it in the stone egg, and the egg then began to glow, and all the cracks disappeared until it was like the egg never hatched, only difference now was it was now glowing golden with purple highlights on the indents in the rock.

For obvious reason, everyone was quite confused, but got it after not much explaining. The stone was embedded with Xioatians magic making it whole again, and the glow showed his magic was there and strong, so if he was weak or running low on magic the glow would be dim and the same if he got a power boost. It also showed that if he (for some very strange reason) died that the stone would break apart and go back to the broken shell, it was with no magic holding it together.

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