Merging into One

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A bright light shone through the mountains as on the peak of Flower Fruit Mountain Sun Wukong, Great Sage Equal to Heaven, and The Six-Eared-Macaque were merging their magic into one stone that glowed so bright it out shone the sun.

It caused the winds to be pulled towards it and made them spin around it, so in close range, you could have called it a tiny hurricane in the making instead of what was being created

The stone was in the shape of an egg, and when the stone was fully formed, the glowing abruptly stopped, and the winds dispersed almost immediately, with some staying just for an extra minute, then leaving. When everything was quiet, the only sound you could hear was the heavy breathing of Sun Wukong and Macaque as making an egg with the wind almost blowing you off of the mountain takes a lot of work.

When the last of the winds had  dispersed from the area and everything had to return to how it was originally, the egg began to fall to the ground. It never touched it, though, as it was caught by Macaque and held closely to his chest. Wukong then made his way over and sat down next to his mate and new egg.

"Mango, we did it. We actually did it!" Wukong couldn't contain his excitement as he hugged his mate tightly and then looked in aww at their creation. Mac was just as happy but chose to just let Wukong show all the excitement for both of them. Macaques tail then wrapped around Wukongs, and he leaned into his side, still holding the egg close.

"Yeah, we did." Macaque then closes his eyes, leaning into his mate but then opened them when a burning question popped in his head that he knew wouldn't disappear for a while.

"When will it hatch?" Wukong was slightly taken by surprise at the question, but he didn't even know himself as when he came out, no one was really waiting for him, so no one told him how long his took and the monkeys on the mountain just said his stone was there for year but didn't have anything inside it so they only notice it's existence when a golden furred monkey demon came out.

"I'm not really sure, to be honest, but it doesn't really matter how long it takes. We'll love the cub when they come regardless." He then placed a soft kiss to his mates head, who had fallen asleep from the exhaustion and still held the egg tight to his chest. Wukong then placed a hand to the egg so he could feel it, too, and he rested his head on top of Macaques, and they both fell asleep with their new egg in hand.

A period of time later

It took about a year for anything to actually happen, and during that entire time period, Macaque used his 6 ears to listen to the egg so they would know we it was going to hatch and today that came in handy.

Wukong was out picking peaches from their little garden with the monkeys on the island whilst Macaque was relaxing at the book Wukong had brought him from his last trip to the Celestial Re


Macaque jumped out from his seat so fast he almost fell over due to the sudden movement and extra momentum, but managed to stay balanced, then he heard it a second time.


Mac knew what this meant was overjoyed that it was happening , but he needed to grab his mate, so he used the shadows to get to the peach trees as fast as he could whilst still keeping his ears honed on the egg. When he got there, it took a minute to find him, but when he did, he jumped out from Wukongs shadow, and this took quite a few monekys by surprise as he usually came out slower as to not scare them by him just suddenly being there.

Wukong was surprised when his mate jumped out from his shadow but was still happy to see him none the less, but when he got a better look he saw his mate standing on the balls of his feet with a huge smile on hisnfave and his tail was wagging like crazy like it could make him fly off it wagging that fast. Before he could ask anything, Macaque yelled out one word....

"EGG!" This made Wukong immediately stop, and his tail began to do the same, as his mates. He turned around and quickly apologised to his subjects, then he was pulled into one of Macaques shadow portals, and they landed on the top of the mountain where their egg had been resting for the last year.

When they reached the egg, it had cracks all over it, and moments later, a bright light appeared from every crack in the egg and soon the rock pieces all shattered leaving only a bright light in the centre. When the light disappeared and the 2 monkeys were able to see what was left in place of the egg, they saw a little brown fluff ball sitting where their egg once did.

They saw that the cub had 4 ears, 2 on each side that flicked the moment sound hit them for the first time and everytime they heard one after, his fur was brown, but it was more chesnut brown and when they looked at their face they saw 2 golden eyes staring back at them with a mask around their nose and eyes thatbwas in the shape of an upside down peach like Wukongs but was a darker in colour like Macaques. The cub then curiously chirped at them, and without even thinking, Wukong chirped back. Macaque couldn't hold himself back any longer and was using his shadows, then whisking his cub off of the stone platform and into his arms.

The cubs fur was incredibly soft, and his paws were so small compared to the rest of his body, so when he grabbed Macaques finger, it didn't fully wrap around it.

Wukong is now out of his trance and wanted to see the cub for himself, so he rushed over to his mates side and looked down at the cub in his mates arms. The cub was about as big as his hand, and he was so overjoyed that their cub had arrived that he actually began to cry. Macaque just chuckled slightly at Wukong but leaned in and kissed him because his eyes were also wet, but he tried not to cry.

As they stared down at their cub with utter and complete adoration, they wondered what to name him, but it seems the cub didn't really care as he was grabbing Macaques fur and his tail was reaching for Wukongs arm to wrap around. With the help of their cub wanting to explore, they chose to do a play on words to Wukongs title.

Great Sage Equal to Heaven meet....

Little Heaven..

Qi Xioatian.

(I hope I did well in this, and I will try to keep a schedule for this as I really like it and have so many ideas on where it could go (mostly angst)

Connor345, thank you for allowing me to do this.

See you in the next chapter update)

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