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Coming to, felt fuzzy, but they soon got better and things in his mind cleared up making feeling his body a lot easier, but he still felt like utter shit, even with.... how long was he asleep? Doesn't matter, but feeling what was beneath him felt kinda like a warm bed felt weird, but it was both a good and bad weird because after getting used to a hard floor, the bed now felt too squishy and not as comfortable as it probably should've been, but even then he would still take a bed over the icy floor any day.

Opening his eyes felt weird too as they felt heavy, but more heavy than usual when you wake up like someone had attached weights to them, to keep them closed, so it took more effort than it probably should've to open them. The light in wherever he was, was blinding so when he opened his eyes he had to shut them again as it was too bright, and he wanted to keep them closed for longer, but after opening his eyes even if it was just for a few seconds he felt something in his right hand twitch and tighten it's grip on his hand, and there was a new weight on the bed, so it was easy to notice when it tilted towards his right where the new weight was coming from.

He wanted to see what the new weight was and who was holding his hand, along with where he was as all he could guess was he was in a bed, but where was he laying was the question he wanted answers to.

When he tried to open his eyes again Xiaotian made sure to do it slowly so it eyes could slowly adjust and wouldn't go temporarily blind because he went too fast, and the first thing he could see in his still unfocused vision was fiery red hair. Just seeing that was enough to know who the person was, and it brought a small warmth to his chest chasing away some of the weird cold he felt in his body that felt like a lingering chill. His vision still wasn't great, so he just needed to check even if he only knew one person with hair as red as fire and as hot as lava if he gets angry or embarrassed.

Xiaotian: "Red..?"

Red: "Hey Xiaotian, glad to see you back with me again."

Now knowing who was with him, after his eyes had focused more and the face in front of him was clearer a small smile formed on his face as if Red was next to him, then it meant he was home, well by looking past the bull demon he saw a more metal roof that had a dark red, maroon and purple sort of design so he assumed he was in Red's home in DBK's castle. Since he was safe he sighed in relief as for what turns out to have been 20 years, all he wanted was to come back here with Redson by his side. The place seemed warmer than when he was last here, but he guessed it was just that his body had grown more accustomed to the cold of the cave he was stuck in.

He really hoped his dad and baba weren't in the same sort of prison he was, otherwise he would feel really guilty when he eventually got them out, as he would be free whilst they were stuck like that for centuries.

Red: "Xiaotian? You still with me?"

He hadn't even realised he'd closed his eyes, so opening them again, which was now so much easier to do, he turned his head to look at Redson who was now sitting in a chair next to the bed.

Xiaotian: "Hm?"

The small smile of relief Xiaotian could see on the demons face was genuine and something he didn't think he'd ever see from Red, or at least not for a while, and in all honesty the demon looked cute as he seemed genuinely happy, which was probably due to his eyes closing and Red thinking he might fall asleep again and not wake up for who knows how long. Which was valid, but even then he didn't know how long he'd been asleep for in the first place so there was that.

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