I'm sorry, how long?

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The floor was cold, but not like a slight chill or a light snow fall kind of cold, it was cold like the nerves at the ends of your fingers and toes freeze stiff and caused what feels like continuous shock waves of pain whenever you move it.  It felt like hell, yet he wasn't dead yet, so it just made things worse.

Was it a bad thing he ate the peach of immortality?

Obviously he wouldn't be too much older than when he first ate it, but his body would be able to die and and his soul would go to Diyuu, and would probably either get an earful or a beating from the Ten Kings of Hell. He's pretty sure they hate if not absolutely despise his baba for going down to Diyuu and messing up the book of the dead as apparently according to his dad, you now couldn't tell the thing from a 5 year olds colouring book.

He tried moving his arms, but they felt like led, and he couldn't even feel his legs, never mind his tail, and at one point he was so out of it he thought it was just a weirdly fluffy rope, and he tried to pull on it to see where it went and he accidentally set off a bunch of frozen nerves that felt they were screaming bloody murder as they told his brain he shouldn't pull that and that it hurt.

He could swear he was losing his mind.

But eh, what is he even able to do about it?

Absolutely fucking nothing, as he can't even see the light of day, literally, the phrase to threaten someone became literal for him, and it's usually implying death, yet here he is with no daylight whatsoever and he ain't dead. Well not physically at least.


Days seemed to span over lifetimes, but even then Xiaotian has not a fucking clue how long he's been here as again no daylight and he also can't hear anything either so he assumes that's to do with the puppet. Only things he could here were the gusts of wind that flew through the caves and the cold breeze that always seemed to appear a few seconds before the puppet arrived. There was also a really weird drip from some part in the cave that seemed to either be dripping into a large lake or some kind of tub or it was just dripping into a puddle it's made over time. Either way it was getting annoying fast and it didn't help that it echoed off of the walls and that he could hear it no matter how much he covered his ears, but even then that was only weakly as he had basically no feeling and no strength or energy in his whole body.

He was basically just a living doll, but even then he wasn't sure anyone would call this living.

Wonder if dad and baba are in a place like this? They would at least have each other won't they?

He technically has the puppet but, one, who would want him, and two, the guy never talks he just smiles and tortures him.

Thinking on that now was it weird that he's grown used to the ice spike? Like seriously he cane sit up, lie down, move around as much as both his chains and body allow and he just feels it. There's no pain, no discomfort, it's just there like when he wear a bag or a piece of clothing, you feel it moving, but that's it.

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