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Chapter Two

You stood in front of the palace gates, the sun beating at you with its rays of heat.
Your father stood next to you and the both of you were surrounded by many other men.

"Dad.. please. Just say I died or something. I really can't do this." You whisper to him. He shook his head at you and pointed towards the palace. Your head dropped and you glanced around. Men of all ages were turning up to be tested to become one of the Crown Prince's guards.

This was going to be such a pain.

"Mother, is this really necessary? Suguru questioned, looking outside of the second floor windows. He saw too many people to be counted on one hand and his dread of speaking to them consumed his thoughts.

"Hush Suguru. This is happening. The old guards were useless old men. We need some new security in these halls." She said, her maids dressing her kimono onto her.

Geto stayed silent, examining the faces closest to the gates of the palace. He leaned against the windowsill, resting his chin on his hand.
A smirk grew on his face. His day suddenly got a lot better. He squinted his eyes at a particular subject standing near the gates, whispering something to his father in a panicked manner.

He clicked his finger at a maid and demanded her to follow him. She turned to the queen who just nodded and told her how the room was too crowded anyways.

He stood in front of the palace doors, not exiting just yet. Geto turned to the maid and placed a hand on her shoulder, standing closer to her.
"You see that young man right there? He has white hair and he's wearing a pretty ugly kimono." He described, pointing at the gentleman in question.

She nodded, a red colour dusting her cheeks and the close proximity between her and her prince.

"Go and grab him. Take him to the hall and force him to bow in front of father's throne... or should I say my throne now."

The maid nodded and bowed, quickly running towards the gates, calling on the guard in charge.

Geto's grin grew, excitement brewing in his stomach as he grew impatient to talk to the man who didn't recognise him. He had great plans for him and they would end in two ways.
Him spending a week in the underground prisons for disrespecting his crown prince, or becoming his right hand guard, protecting him with his life.

Geto left the doors when he saw the maid call upon the right man, heading towards his mothers chambers.

When a black haired lady had pulled you into the palace gates, you were surprised to say the very least.

She had brought you to an empty hall with two thrones at the head of it. The room was adorned with many lavish paintings from many famous artists. It had a long purple carpet leading from the entrance to the thrones. The carpet had gold patterns all over it, screaming wealth. There were red cushions placed on the sides of the carpet. You guessed those were for the royal council.

"Just stay here in front of the steps, and bow. Do not move, speak or look around until the Prince arrives. Understand?" She commanded. You nodded and before you could say anything else, she ran off.

You crouch and put your head down, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath.

Soon you heard footsteps coming closer and closer towards you until they passed you and reached the throne in front of you. Anxiety took over your body, not allowing you to move an inch with your eyes glued shut.

You heard the voice laugh. What was going on and what did the prince want with you? You weren't anything special. Was it because of your bloodline?

"You may look up." You heard the voice speak. Swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat, you slowly picked up your head and opened your eyes.

Your breathing hitched and your blood ran cold.
Sitting on the kings throne in front of you was the man who you assumed to be a rich noble. His legs were crossed and his head rested on his left hand. He had the most prideful smirk stretched out across his arrogant features.

You bowed your head and shut your eyes once more. What was going to happen to you? Surely he wasn't going to execute you for disrespect.. right?"

He laughed once more and you heard a shuffle of clothes.
Soon, the prince was standing in front of you. He commanded you to stand up. Doing so, you kept your head lowered.

God how you hated his enjoyment.

"Now now... there's no need to be so ashamed. All you did was disrespect and publicly humiliate your future king." He taunted as he started walking circles around you.

You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out.

He stood next to you, tilting to get a better look at you. He frowned and placed his arms behind his back, stepping in front of you.

"I supposed I could forgive you," he started, "on the condition that you give up your freedom and serve as my right hand for the rest of your life."

Your head snapped up, look at the prince with wide eyes. He had a nasty smirk painted across his face.
What in the world was going on? How could you NOT recognise the crown prince??

"I'm giving you until the count of five to hurry up and make your decision. It's either my right hand or a week in the dungeon."


Your mind raced as he lifted his right hand, counting down from five.


Was this his way of getting back at you? Wasn't this too cruel? All you planned to do was mess up all the trials they were going to put on you. But this.. a week in the dungeon? Those people don't even receive food. You were sure you'd die before the week was up.


Why did this have to happen?


"Okay! I'll do it!" You yell, your head rushing from everything happening all at once.

The prince claps his hands together and laughs a victorious laugh. He yells for one of the maids who come rushing in moments later.
"Could you please take this young man to Mahito's chambers and let him settle in there. Tell Mahito that he's fired and is no longer needed in the palace, unless he wants to scrub our floors." He instructs, glee laced in his voice.

He quickly turns to you and asks for your name.
"Gojo (B/n)" you reply.

You see his eyebrows raise and drop in surprise.
"That's wonderful! Satoru will be so happy to know that his relative works for me now." He says, starting to walk away as you cringe at the mention of the head of your clan's name.

This could not have gone worse.

To Be Continued

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