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Chapter Eighteen

You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
Choso made a good point but you didn't know whether it was realistic or not.

He shook his head, crossing his arms and standing up. In all honestly, he thought that the feelings you harboured for Geto were mutual.
He didn't have all the information about the relationship between the two of you but he knew that Geto was someone who had too much pride and respect for himself and his body to sleep with just anybody. He remembered about how when they were teens, Geto would call anyone he didn't like monkeys, never wanting to touch them or even be in the same room as them.
He only had one other woman he cared about in a romantic way throughout his life and that burned and crashed, leaving him heartbroken for a while.

It may have just been teenage love but Choso knew that Geto had strong emotions for his past lover.

He ruffled your hair, starting to make his way towards the palace gates to start his patrol of the area.

You watched him leave, silently contemplating his words.
Choso was like a brother to you, making your time here in the palace less stressful with a shoulder to lean on.

You sighed, standing up and rolling up the piece of paper. You knew you had to show Geto the list. It was orders and you had to follow through, no matter your feelings.

Geto's eyes scanned the paper, deep in thought with the options he was given.
"Set up a dinner with each of these women. Make sure they know what they'll be there for so I don't have to waste my time explaining." Geto instructed, handing you the piece of paper once again.

You bit your lip, nodding your head in acknowledgement.

"Ah, Higuruma." Geto spoke up, causing you to become startled at the surprise visitor.
You quickly turned around, your eyes catching onto the man in question.

You quickly bowed and stepped aside, letting the two of them get to whatever they needed to do.

Geto turned to you, "put on your armour and make sure you have everything in order.
We have something that we need to take care of."

You nodded your head as you quickly made your way to the guard's quarters to fetch your belongings.
Your mind flashed back to the day where he and the baron had a conversation in private.

As you quickly rushed towards the palace gates, your mind wandered to what was going on or where you were even going.
Geto didn't even bother to explain anything which had you on edge. You didn't feel prepared for what you were supposed to expect of this unforeseen 'mission'.

Geto looked out of the carriage window, waving for you to hurry in once he spots you descending the steps in front of the palace entrance. There were two carriages lined up, ready to depart. Higuruma must have his own one.
As soon as the carriage door clicked shut, the vehicle started to move, falling in line with the footsteps of the well cared for mares.

You nervously glanced at Geto. His fingers strummed his lap, his legs crossed. His eyes were trained on the outside world, seeming as though he was deep in thought.
You cleared your throat, sitting up straight.
Geto nodded his head at you, signalling for you to voice your thoughts.

"Where exactly are we going, your majesty?"

"The baron has requested my presence and since he was the only one who stayed loyal to me, I'm granting him his wish."

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