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Chapter Twenty One

You sat up straight and turned to him, eyes wide.
"Your highness... are you..?" You trailed off, grabbing the blanket and covering your naked body, your cheeks dusted with a pink hue. He placed an arm behind his head, staring at you as you processed his question.

You knew this was what you wanted, but to actually hear him say the words? That was something that hadn't even crossed your mind.
Your expression immediately turned into an annoyed one when a certain thought came across your mind.

There was absolutely no way you'd accept a proposal that seemed like it was just a passing thought.
In bed?! Seriously?

You shook your head, poking his abdomen "I don't see a ring being offered to me. It's not a real proposal." You huffed, crossing your arms and turning your back to him as you laid back down.

He chuckled as he spooned you, kissing along your shoulder and down your arm.
"That's how you want to play this? Fine."

You smiled to yourself. For the first time since you could remember, you felt like yourself. You felt like you were floating from the serotonin that soared through your veins.

But what was to happen now? How was he going to tell his mother, a woman who didn't seem to like you very much, that he was planning on making you queen?
You bit your bottom lip. The more you thought about it, the more of a bad idea it seemed to be.

A ton of things could go wrong and you just didn't know if either of you had the mental capacity to endure that.

Did he harbour such strong feelings to even stick by his decision no matter the consequence?
Did you?

Your mind raced with thoughts, and eventually you fell asleep with Geto's head nuzzled into the nape of your neck.

The sun shone through the curtains, nudging you awake with its warm beams. You yawned, your arm aimlessly searching for a certain man's body beside you, but to no avail. Geto was no where to be seen in the lavishly decorated room.

Your eyes wandered around the room, panic seeping into you as you soon came to the realisation that your clothes and undergarments were also missing.
You wrapped the thick blanket around you, slowly standing up and walking towards the table that resided by the window.

On top of the brown oak table laid a set of clothing along with undergarments. A note was placed on top of the neatly folded surprise and you picked it up, giggling to yourself as you read it.

Hurry and dress yourself in these.
I picked them out just for my lady ;P
-Your beloved King.

You picked up the clothes and walked towards the bed, not wanting to put yourself on display in front of the window.

As you wandered the halls, your hands clutched anxiously onto the skirt of the silky smooth gown. You had never worn something so... feminine and beautiful. The flowy sleeves contrasted how tight the waist of the gown was. The tightness of the torso pushed your breasts up, making them look delightfully pretty. Contrasting your wealthy look, your hair looked like it had absolutely no effort put into it and your eyes looked tired.

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