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ೃ⁀➷ This chapter includes smut! Just a warning for people who don't like it.

Chapter Fifteen

Your eyes fluttered open as the morning sunlight caressed your face gently. It took you a minute to realise where you were and once you did, the panic started to settle in. You quickly shot up into a sitting position, covering your upper body with the blanket.

Your mind filled with memories of last night as your eyes slowly trailed to the sleeping body next to you. His arm was now thrown over your lap, which was formerly resting over your hips before you decided to sit up. His other arm was tucked underneath his pillow, supporting his head. His chest fell up and down peacefully as he continued to stay in his deep sleep.

Your eyes softened at the sight.

This had been the most peaceful you'd seen him in many moons. You turned to look in front of you, letting out a deep sigh.
What was going to happen now?

Heat rushed to your cheeks and ears as you remembered every single detail.


You quickly undressed, now left in your undergarments. Geto's eyes trailed up and down your body as he bit his bottom lip. He had a glint of need in his eyes, his hands making their way back onto your waist. Your lips reconnected, the passion never having left the two of you.

Geto was running out of breath, but he didn't care. Your lips were so addictive he just couldn't get enough. Your hands were tangled up in his hair, causing tangles and knots to form like vines clinging onto something they didn't want to let go. His hands trailed down to your ass. "Jump" he instructed in your ear in a low, seductive voice.

He moved the two of you towards the bed as he trailed hungry desperate kisses down your neck and collarbone. You let out pants and moans as he laid you down on your back, letting him know that he had found your sweet spot. He attacked that spot, sucking and licking at your skin until a purple mark was left.

His knee pressed pressure, slowly rubbing circles over your heat. You bit your bottom lip, suppressing moans.

He moved away from you, removing his own clothing in a quick pace. He once again revealed his toned body to you, but this time you actually got to enjoy it. You trailed your hands up his toned body before snaking your arms around his neck. You pulled him in and then rolled the two of you over, you now straddling him.

He gave you a smirk as he placed his hands on your hips, waiting to see what your next move would be. You guided his hand up to your breast as you started grinding against his erection, teasing him with every move of your hip. He took in a deep breath, massaging your breast as you changed your pace to a painfully slow one.

"If you keep doing that, I'll take charge." He threatened, gazing into your eyes through heavy lidded ones.

You let out a small giggle as you watched him struggle to keep his dominant composure. You leaned in closer to him, your boobs now pressed up against his chest. You peppered his jawline with kisses and when you reached his ear, you whispered "please do."

His mind went fuzzy and that was all the confirmation he needed to flip the two of you over. He started kissing you again. His hands roamed your body. From your Jaw, to your collarbones, to your boobs. He was so hungry for you. As if he had been waiting for this moment his whole life.

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