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Chapter Eleven

Geto let out a deep sigh. It was currently late at night and he was still buried deep in problems.
"Mother, I don't understand what you want me to do about this."

The queen stopped her pacing, turning to look at the prince. It was as if his words had offended her. You stood as silent as you could possibly be, wishing that you weren't there. Not wearing your armour today was the correct way to go.

"Prince Geto! If you are to be the king then you can't just say you don't know what to do." She scolded, folding her jewellery adorned arms.
The prince stood up, scrunching the letter in his hands.

"Exactly. I am to be king. The council cannot just tell me that they don't see me as a good fit for the throne."

His voice was laced with frustration and anger. The council had sent a letter to the palace that they were to hold back on their duties as the King's advisors if Geto was to take the throne.
They viewed him as immature and easily angered. They believed that he wouldn't be able to run their country effectively, calling for the Queen to find a different heir.

"They cannot just call for a different king! The throne is my right. They'll have to kill me before I give it up." The prince spat, a scowl forming.

When the late king had passed away, Geto would've agreed with the council. He wanted nothing more than to shout and argue the minute he was told that he would be inheriting the throne sooner than expected.
But now he felt that he was ready for the throne. He wanted to fix his country and bring happiness to his subjects.
He shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"We shall call the council here for a meeting tomorrow. I don't have the energy to deal with their nonsense right now." No more words were exchanged between the queen and the prince as he stormed out of the study.
You followed quickly behind him, bowing and bidding a goodnight to the Queen.


"Yes, my prince?"

He stopped in his tracks, turning around  to face you. His hair was put up into a bun that had overtime turned to a messy one, the same single strand of hair still hanging over his face.

"Prepare me a bath. I don't feel I can relax without one right now."

His command left you worried. The last bath he had you run didn't exactly go as smoothly as you had hoped it would.
"Wouldn't you like one of the male servants to do it for you..?" You asked, a hint of nervousness taking over your tone.

Geto raised an eyebrow. He crossed his arms and let out a huff as he looked away in disbelief. "I don't believe I asked one of the male servants."

You bowed your head, deciding to just comply with his wishes before he got more frustrated with tonight.

Geto entered the bathroom, wearing nothing but his bath robe. His eye bags and messy hair screamed discomfort and exhaustion. You felt a twinge of sadness for the man. Although he had all the luxury and security a simple man could ever want, he was still dragged down no matter what he did to please the people.

You bit your lip as he tested the water, the strands of hair falling in front of him from over his shoulder. Cupping some water in his hand, he splashed his face with the warm liquid as a small, relieved smile took over his stoicism.
He then repeated the action but instead of washing his face once more, he threw the water towards your direction, not giving you any warning or time to react.

A laugh escaped his lips. He slowly stood back up, untying his bathrobe. You gulped as you tried to shake the water droplets off of you.
"Do you intend to stare at me the whole time?"

You met the eyes of the prince. He had a playful smirk on his face, a glint of mischief behind his eyes. You quickly turned to look at the wall, heat rushing to your cheeks. You cleared your throat and mumbled an embarrassed apology.

You heard him step into the round tub, a satisfied sigh leaving his lips. Your eyes trailed back to him. It was as if you couldn't stop your eyes from feasting hungrily on him.

His arms were resting on the edge of the tub on either side of his body, his head thrown back as he allowed his muscles to relax.

"Tell me, (y/n)," he started, not moving at all to look at you. "When you were pretending to be a man and helping me bathe, did you not feel anything towards me?"

His question caught you off guard. If you were brave enough, you would have replied with a simple 'yes' and let him muse at the fact that he got you going without even trying to. But when you opened your mouth to speak, no words dared to leave.

His question bounced around in your mind. What was he trying to get at here?
If you did feel something for him, would he do anything about it or just continue to tease you?
He lifted his head, his eyes staring at you with the same mischievous glint it had before.

You, once again, opened your mouth to speak but all that you managed to choke out was an anxious laugh.
"Come closer." He called, beckoning you to close the gap with his index and middle finger.

"My prince.. this is not appropriate." You protested, moving your eyes away from him as you were stood frozen in your place. Your heart was pounding and you were afraid that if you did get close, he would be able to tell just how nervous and flustered you actually were.
"This? Pray tell, what is this?"

Your eyes re-met his. He was such a sly and cruel man. He knew exactly what he was doing and he got all the reactions he wanted out of you. To think you could possibly have a scandalous side to you excited him and made him want to experiment more with just how much he could toy with you.

You stood up straight, attempting to look confident. An amused chuckle escaped the man as he rested his tricep on the edge of the tub, his temple against his fist. His muscles flexed, biceps putting themselves on full display for you to drink in.

Getos eyes trailed from your eyes down to your lips and back up to your eyes. You but your lip, feeling so small under his gaze.
"I need you to wash my hair."

You nodded, hesitantly moving towards him. He leaned forward in the tub, allowing you to start washing his hair.

A couple minutes had passed and Geto's eyes were sealed shut. Your hands massaging and washing his scalp and hair felt so natural and relaxing, he practically melted at your touch.

You cleared your throat, about to stand up and announce to him that you were done.
Before you could move away completely, Geto grabbed onto your wrist, pulling you forward.

Your chest landed against his back, your arm outstretched over his shoulder. He brought your wrist towards his lips, peppering your wrist and your forearm with small kisses. You didn't know how to react.
On one hand you, you were confused and slightly shocked at his spontaneous actions.
On the other, a small feeling of scandalous joy filled your feelings.

Geto let go of your arm, expecting you to quickly shuffle off and away from him. But you were too in disbelief at the events to process anything.
Geto let out a small chuckle as you quickly snapped out of your daze.

"You're dismissed of your duties for today. Head to bed."

To Be Continued

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