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Chapter 4 didn't fully copy onto here so I've fixed that issue.
I hope you enjoy the chapter <33

Chapter Nine


The tenseness in your shoulders never seemed to melt away. Geto's tone was cold and harsh, as if he was taking out all of his built up frustrations on you.
Getting down on one knee, you lowered your head, your mind racing from anxious thoughts that squirmed at the front of your mind.

You weren't able to distract yourself at all which meant you couldn't calm yourself down either.
You heard the prince click his tongue.

"Both knees."

Geto's lips pursed as he watched you comply to his commands. He could practically see how scared you were from how you were shaking.
"You have caused me more troubles than a damn treasonist would. You have a minute to explain yourself."

You swallowed the lump that had formed at the back of your throat. Pushing down your fears, you started to speak.
"My prince.. it wasn't by my will that lead me to lie such a foolish lie," you stumbled over your words, anxiety laced in your tone, "my mother got pregnant with me out of wedlock, my father saw it as bad luck to be cursed with a girl as a first born. His clan was important to him so he lied to them, saying that I was a male instead. My mother never got the courage to speak out and by the time they confirmed their marriage, he was banished.
They banished him for not only being reckless with a woman, but with a woman of a much lower class."

Once your words came to a stop, you could hear Geto's footsteps pacing back and forth in front of you. Your forehead was pressed against the floor, surely to leave a red mark. His lack of response made you feel queasy, as if you were about to throw up from the sheer amount of stress you were experiencing.

Soon, his footsteps ceased, his waspish expression never wavering. His sharp jawline was illuminated by the moonlight intruding through the coloured windows.

"Stand up," his demand rolled off his tongue with ease as you started lifting to your feet, "give me one reasons why you should continue to put your life on the line to protect mine."

Your mouth gaped open, but no words seemed to escape. Geto stepped closer to you, examining your speechless expression.
He was disappointed. Could you not find even one small reason to try and persuade him into keeping you?
He clicked his tongue and turned away, walking towards his seat of luxury.

Before he could reach the top of the steps, you stepped forward.
"Because I'm loyal. Man or woman, I'm loyal and no matter how many times you scold or threaten me, I'll stay."

He looked at you over his shoulder, a smirk starting stretch out across his face.
"I'll stay and I'll make sure that I perish before anyone places a finger on you."

Geto tilted his head back, satisfaction replacing his feelings of disappointment. He started making his way back to you, his lengthy black hair swaying behind him. Geto stopped directly in front of you, towering over you, his stray piece of hair in the front tickling your nose as you looked up at him.
"Go find Choso. He will have your armour ready."

You nodded, bowing your head and thanking him.
As you turned around, you felt his arm snake around your shoulders, his forearm resting on your collarbones and his hand gripping onto your shoulder.
He lowered his head, speaking close to your ear. "You never had a choice in staying. You are my guard and you will die my guard."

Heat rushed to your ears from the close proximity.
He only ever acted intrusive if he was under the influence of sake but you didn't once catch a scent of lingering alcohol on his breath.
"Yes, my prince."

As he heard your words of confirmation, he let you go, not moving from behind you. You looked down and immediately made your way towards the doors.

Fiddling with your white strands of hair, you helplessly searched for Choso, your mind was scrambled, not being able to think or act properly.

The tension from the throne room followed you around like a burden, an air of awkwardness placing itself over you.

This was officially getting to be too much for you.

To Be continued

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