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Chapter One

A high pitched scream of terror filled the palace halls.
A rush of guards hurried towards the Kings bed chambers, swords at the ready.

"My love! Please, no! This can't be happening!" Queen Geto cried out in plea. Her hands stained with the blood of her husband as she shook his lifeless body, the many knife wounds staring up at the traumatised woman. She looked up at the kingdom guards, sorrow and anger swirling in her eyes.

She grit her teeth "you call yourselves the King's chosen men!? You're too late!" She hugged the king close to her chest, continuing her heartbroken cries.
The Kings doctor rushed to the scene with his best nurses at his side, urging the Queen to leave the room so they could attempt to save the king, but to no avail.
She sat at the foot of the bed all night, not letting the doctors declare the time of death until sunrise.

You slowly open your eyes as the sunshine brutally hit your bedroom. Groaning, you get out of bed and stare at your birds nest of white hair. How you hated your long hair.

"Honey!" Your ears perk at your mother and father's sudden loud conversation. Why were they so panicked?

"The king has passed away." You head whips towards your door. What? The king died? But he was so young?

Questions buzzed through your mind but you eventually came to the conclusion that this was definitely an assassination.

You quickly brushed off the news and grabbed the spray bottle filled with water and your hair brush.

"Prince Geto, I'm sure you have heard about the news already" the Queen stated, looking down at her bowing son from her thrown.

The prince glanced up at his mother, nodding his head "yes mother"
She stood up from her royal seat and started walking towards her son. Placing a hand on his shoulder, she started to tear up.

Geto looked to the side, guilt of not feeling anything towards his father's death consuming his mind.
He and the late king were never close, in fact he despised the man.

"This means that you will have to inherit the throne immediately. The coronation will happen in a month."
She started to walk towards the exit of the hall when Geto yells, stopping her.

"No! I refuse it! I will not take the throne!"
Becoming king was always something that Suguru had dreaded. To think it was being fast forwarded made him want to throw up.

"This isn't a discussion Suguru. This is a demand and you have no say in it. Make sure you speak to the kings doctor for more information."

And with that, she exited the hall, leaving Geto to practically go mad on his own.
The fact that she couldn't tell her own son more about his father's murder just made him more sick.

Nothing was more tiring than going grocery shopping with your mum. Barely any stores stayed shut in mourning for the king. This wasn't all that surprising seeing how the king wasn't too popular amongst the public.
He was a greedy and manipulative king. He had no care or remorse for his subjects and during his rule, he executed more than 60 people for petty crimes like stealing food or fighting on his birthday.

"Hold this [b/n]" your mother pulls you back into reality by shoving a basket filled with different vegetables and fruits.

"Mum don't you think this is too much? Did dad even give you enough for all of this?" You question her. She whips around to look at you, eye twitching.

"Listen. Just because his stupid clan doesn't accept us, doesn't mean we should cut back on feeding ourselves!" She bursts.
You shake your head, "that's not what I mea-" before you could finish your sentence, you're pulled by your mother towards the check out.

After several attempts at sneaking away from your mum, your fifth try turned out successful.

You had left the bustling street of markets and merchants, heading towards the park you loved to spend your time in.

Sitting on top of a log, you shut your eyes and listened to the birds chirping and the wind singing its happy songs, the trees as it's instrument.

Between the fear of getting caught as a girl and the constant need to fix your kimono, this was the only time you could ever find true peace, to meditate and calm down.

Opening your eyes, you yell out in surprise when you see a sudden familiar face staring down at you.
"Hello Mei Mei." You greet, deadpan.

In all honesty, you could not stand this woman. Whenever you were in her company, her only goal was to sway you to bed her.

"Hey there, (b/n)" she smiled flirtatiously, sitting next to you.
She placed her hand on top of yours, causing you to quickly swipe it away.

Before she could speak another word to you, you stood up swiftly and bowed to her, bidding her a nice day.

She pouted and crossed her arms "that's not fair (b/n)! You didn't even give me a chance!" She yells after you, receiving a wave from you, not turning around at all.

Walking around the park, decided to walk around the areas you weren't all too familiar with.

About 10 minutes had passed as you decided to sit down on a bench in a more secluded area.
You leaned back and closed your eyes once again.

"You. Get up."

You open your eyes to be faced with a man wearing a navy blue kimono, patterned with green rectangles that were outlined in yellow.
Interesting choice..

"Excuse me?" You say, not moving an inch.

"Did you not hear me? Get up and leave. I don't want anyone sitting next to me." He demands.

You let out a small laugh, squinting your eyes at him, still sitting down.

The man's eyes widen. He looked down at you, disgusted. "Do you not know who I am?" He spits, venom laced in his tone.

"I'm sure you're some rich snobby man from a well known clan but no, I don't know who you are and I don't really want to know."

The man tilted his head. His expression changed from disgusted and angry to confused. He slowly steps back, placing his hands behind his back.
"I will be back.. don't go anywhere!"

As he's walking away, Geto spots Nanami, the Kings doctor but he doesn't care about that right now.
"He doesn't know who I am.... He doesn't.. know.. who I am!" He laughs to himself, walking past a clueless nanami who was assigned to stay by Geto's side until the force of men was put together.

Later that evening, your mother called out to you from the living room. Your house only had three rooms. The living room, kitchen and the bedroom.
Your parents had given you the bedroom when you had reached 18 years of age. You were now 25 and still living in your parents home all because they wouldn't allow you to get a job just in case your really identity is revealed.

For some reason, you weren't classified as lower class because you were part of the Gojo clan and that meant a big deal.
You expected that was the real reason Mei Mei kept trying to get you into bed.

You stood infront of your mother, your father sitting next to her. You noticed a piece of paper in his hands, holding it as if it was the most precious thing he owned.

Gesturing for you to sit down, your father started speaking, "a guard from the royal palace came to me today as I was leaving work."
You cocked your eyebrow, letting him finish speaking.

"You've been called to the palace to train to become one of the crown prince's guards."

To Be Continued

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