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I'm going to be skipping the coronation but I promise to make this chapter juicy. Don't hate me for being too lazy.

Chapter Fourteen

You fought against all your urges to slouch. Your back had ached all day and now that it was the fifth and final ceremony of the coronation day, you were focusing all your energy towards ending the day and finally getting the sleep you desired.

The court banquet.

Geto sat at the head of the table. Many nobles had come to celebrate Suguru's rise to the throne. You stood a few steps behind his chair, keeping a close eye on the people around.

The air between you and Geto, whenever the two of you were alone, was always so awkward. Your mind was so confused and muddled up that whenever you tried to speak up and clear the air with him, no words came out and you constantly looked like a fool. The day he got examined by Nanami was the day that he started acting stranger than usual and you knew why.
Nanami's voice wasn't exactly quiet to say the least.

"King Suguru! It's great to finally see you in all your glory." You looked up to meet the owner of the voice. Aoi Todo. He was a nobleman that was slightly disliked by the public, but he was still respected to a major degree.

Geto nodded "Thank you, Earl Todo. Give my greetings to Lady Nobuko too."

The rest of the evening went by smoothly. The prince and the other high status people chatted about their own lives and what they've purchased. Some asked for Geto's blessing on marriage and others applauded the soon to be wed's.

Geto stared off into the gray colour of his walls. He stuck his arms out beside him, allowing you to undress him and put his sleeping robe on. You dusted off his shoulder as you moved onto his hair, letting it fall down his back.

You took a step back once you were done. Geto stared into his mirror a moment more, his eyes slowly drifting to look at you through the reflection.
You stared back at him, giving him a small smile in an attempt to ease the tension.

He stood up, moving towards his comfortable bed. The dark bags under his eyes yearned and screamed at him to get some proper rest. You felt sorry for him. You didn't know what was wrong or when his mental health started taking a turn for the worst and it was eating away at you day-by-day. Not being able to save him from something bigger than you.

Not being able to save him from himself.

He flopped down on his bed, staring at his ceiling in utter silence. You wanted to ask what was upsetting him. Your brain practically clawed at the walls of your head from how frustrating it was not being able to get the right words out.

You finally opened your mouth to speak. "Pr- King Suguru..." he moved his eyes to look at you. You were fiddling with your fingers, your gaze averted away as to ease the nervousness that was continually growing in the pit of your stomach. "Are.. you okay?"

He sat up, now facing you fully. "I'm as strong and as well as a king should be."

You pursed your lips. He was always on a mission to keep up a strong facade. He always wanted to give the impression that he was better and more powerful than anyone else. He wanted his presence to overwhelm that of others.
And while that was the case, you knew he had deeper emotions.

"You aren't telling the truth." You stood up tall, portraying confidence in your words. He tilted his head as he stood up. "And how, pray tell, do you know? Do I look weak to you?"

"Yes." He crossed his arms as the single word he wasn't expecting to come out of your mouth fell so easily. You sucked in a deep breath before continuing. "You have lost weight, you haven't been able to sleep properly and when you do sleep, it's only for a couple hours... my king.."

He found it astonishing how you had the guts to speak to him with such criticism. However, you didn't view it as criticism. You saw it as more of a display of worry.
He slowly stepped closer to you, furrowing his eyebrows, his lips pursed. "That is none of your concern-"
"It is more my concern than anyone else's in this palace." You cut him off before he silenced you. You bowed your head to him as he loomed over you. Anger and frustration was slowly seeping into his veins the more you spoke against him.

He huffed out, a surprised yet annoyed grin making its way into his features. You stood still, not moving an inch away from him as he looked back down at you. "Your highness. If you would just let me... let me help you, I-"

"Help me? Help. Me?" His jaw tightened. He suddenly gripped onto your jaw, his fingertips pushing into your cheeks. He leaned down, his nose practically touching yours.
His eyes moved down to look at your lips, your bottom lip in between your teeth.

You hand held onto his wrist but he refused to let go. There was a moment of silence between the two of you. His breathing was deep and the movement of his chest was heavy. His eyes once again met yours and you stared up at him.

"Let me... help you." He opened his mouth, preparing a response in his mind but no words came out. It was as if the anger he felt before had simply vanished and it replaced itself with a yearning for you. A feeling that he had become all too familiar with.

Your hand moved from his wrist up to his face, gently placing it against his cheek. He blinked in confusion. Up until now you hadn't given him a single signal as to how you felt about him. But now you were making moves?

He loosened his grip, his mouth slightly agape at your bold movements.

Everything was so fuzzy for the both of you and everything moved so quickly, as if time had no patience for slow-paced actions.
His lips connected with yours, hungrily moving in sync with you. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he gripped onto your hips.

Neither of you knew if you'd regret this once the adrenaline had worn off but you both knew that you needed this.

To Be Continued

╭┈◦•◦•◦ FINALLY we're getting somewhere ;).
I'm contemplating on whether I should write smut for the next chapter because I've only ever written smut once.
Should I?

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